That crafter isn't very safe. I've had accounts in the past get tempt and perm banned using it even after 2 hours. I've use Velox Abyss for weeks and never received a ban.
I don't bot Darkscape, I was reporting this for the 20-30 people in 24 hours i saw posting in shoutbox saying they were banned after running scripts for 10-30 minutes and sometimes even playing legit with the client after so many minutes.
Say that to me running Celestial Hunter for 42 hours straight now, and Exia Miner for 22 hours straight f2p on 2 accounts. If the client was detectable i would have been banned a LONG time ago.
Other bots run fine. Just seems to be just your woodcutter and fisher I'm having problems with. I've had the exact problems with Alpha's woodcutter and fisher but haven't used those ones in a month.
Something is wrong with this script for RS3. No matter where i chop f2p or p2p i get banned using it. Most is in the first 30mins - 3 hours of running it. I've seen a few others talk about this also. This happened last week before the bans came rolling in. Lost probably 4-5 accounts all were...
It might be the scripts your using. I personally don't like using Maxi or Alpha scripts on RS3 cause they seem to have a high ban rate. Try using "Celestial Fisher Beta" if you haven't given it a try yet.
I replied to you about this in shoutbox. MaxiWoodcutter is highly detectable on RS3. I've had many accounts banned in the first 30 minutes of running. But yet no bans from it on OSRS.
I've been seeing a LOTS of people in the shoutbox saying that they were banned while botting or just playing legit on Darkscape through the client. So I guess I'm saying it's not safe at this moment and shouldn't be accessible until it's taken care of and for the safety of others. That's just my...
Yeah i just got banned on OSRS running an oak bot which that one ran for about 18 hours. My hunter bot is still going for 35+ hours now. Gonna restart the woodcutting bot with a different script and see if that works.