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  1. B

    Hexis Wintertodt

    Tried running the bot yesterday, and it ended up crashing RuneMate. My RoL fortunately sent me to lumbridge. Might be related to the "memory leak" problem with this bot. Here's the log.
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    Hexis Wintertodt

    Is anyone else "running out of memory" when using this bot? I first thought it was just a client thing, but its happened multiple times with this bot so I'm not so sure anymore. I get about an hour and 20 minutes give or take before bot crashes. "No Firemaking XP gained in 6 minutes, stopping...
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    Bug RuneMate is unable to detect RuneLite on MacOS

    was throwing some shit at the wall, and found out something that worked for me (not going to claim it will work for everyone, I really don't know what I'm doing). I added an -a flag after my open statement terminal: open -a /Applications/runelite.app --args --launch-mode=JVM
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    Bug RuneMate is unable to detect RuneLite on MacOS

    After the latest update to RuneMate, it is unable to detect open RuneLite clients. This combined with the removal of "New RuneLite Client" makes it impossible to use RuneMate. I have always (since long before the recent update) needed to do the following when using RuneMate: - Start the...
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    Bug Why did you remove "Start new Runelite client" from File tab?

    Also wondering the same thing. Nothing seems to be working as far as a fix for me either. On MacOS 13.0.1 with M1 I've always ran RuneMate in "light mode" (on MacOS), dark mode has never worked for some reason. Also always needed to start a RuneLite client within RM. RM could never detect RL by...
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    Bug Why did you remove "Start new Runelite client" from File tab?

    Any updates on this? I'm also having the same issue. Using a mac. Like Ask Me says, I've also never been able to have Runemate detect a Runelite client I start myself. Always needed to start a Runelite client through Runemate to get it to detect it.
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    Sepulchre Mate

    I'm getting that issue as well as it looping in fire on floor 5. Disable looting on floor 3 does help a bit in my experience, but I've only been looting floor 5 and still get that issue on floor 3 (as well as 5)
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    Prime Barrows

    Think I ran into a bug when using this bot. Right as bot was clicking teletab out of barrows, it got attacked so it preyed melee. Then in my house it went to restore in my pool. Then as it ran to the jewelry box to bank, prayer drained and the bot went back to the pool. Then it tried using the...
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    Sepulchre Mate

    Did you have to do anything to fix Runelite issue? My bot is doing the same thing as well. It's at every flame statue as even after I manually get the bot past the first set in floor 1, it just gets stuck in a loop at the next set. The loop is: "waiting for flames to stop" "It's safe! Go go go"...
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    Hexis Altar

    When being attacked, the bot tries logging out, which of course isn't possible during combat. It should instead attempt to use the rest of the bones in inventory. Maybe even protect against opponents combat style to give itself more time to use the bones.