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  1. stankie18

    OSRS A

    Nice bait kid. I'm more than happy with the money I made
  2. stankie18

    OSRS A

    So then why was mine so high? You're claiming my account is worth nothing close to it. I guess none of you value range tanks.
  3. stankie18

    OSRS A

    boi.... " I already sold it for $160" Go for it. If I cared about the acc I wouldn't have sold it.
  4. stankie18

    OSRS A

  5. stankie18

    OSRS A

    No reason to lie lmao. There is no thread. There is no thread, and boom. No longer need to doubt. And I'd prefer to not say.
  6. stankie18

    OSRS A

    I already sold it for $160. What are you talking about? And it's already being resold for double the price so I think your account values are inaccurate.
  7. stankie18

    OSRS A

    Maxed combat as in 99 attack, defense, strength, magic, ranged, and prayer? You are on crack. Those accounts go for at least $400-$900 depending on total level and quests. OSRS not RS3
  8. stankie18

    OSRS A

    You act as if the account is bad
  9. stankie18

    OSRS A

    It's a 75 defense range tank. I already sold it for $160 which I thought was great. I was just curious on what everyone else thought. Not going to recover it or anything.
  10. stankie18

    OSRS A

    Wow you really low balled my account lol
  11. stankie18

    OSRS A

  12. stankie18

    RS3 Selling Rs3 Total 2000+ Account with total 1000+ osrs acc

    There's a 100% probability of you scamming. Shady boi
  13. stankie18

    OSRS Price check

    ~ $250
  14. stankie18

    OSRS ACCOUNT price check osrs

    Stats: 99 attack 99 defence 99 strength 99hp 70prayer(piety) 71magic 78range, all stats at least level 50 Items: Has fire cape, full ranger void, unholy book, 2 Dragon defenders, fighter torso, slayer helm imbued, 8m nmz points, tentacle whip Quests: over 140QP and all rfd subquests done besides...
  15. stankie18

    99 woodcutting Proof runemate can be botted safely

    Atleast $50 (Osrs)
  16. stankie18

    99 woodcutting Proof runemate can be botted safely

    Yeah botting yews is pretty sketch... You should get 99wc then sell the acc
  17. stankie18

    99 woodcutting Proof runemate can be botted safely

    You will never make to 99 with yews. You made this post a few days ago so rip that account.
  18. stankie18


    "i have done everything to protect my acc" Yet you didn't even use 2step auth..
  19. stankie18

    Bug jagex wont help

    That rage lmao.