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  1. P

    Resolved Game window is clipped to the outside of the client.

    oh yes @Arbiter can't believe we didn't think of that! I used to do that before for other DPI related issues. boom bang bang! Thanks OP! :D But then again...the window will be small af :( So I downscaled to 1080p with those settings, and all is good :)
  2. P

    Bug Objects are no longer highlighted?

    @Arbiter When interacting with objects, they are no longer highlighted? I noticed that only the square which they rest upon is highlighted. This results in several misclicks.
  3. P

    Resolved Consistent black screen for short time periods

    Well, it happens the worst when I open in fullscreen (by the way, when I do that, the screen is completely black), and then return to normal size window (both done by double clicking). Sometimes when I try to return to normal size window, the screen remains black, and I have to close runemate...
  4. P

    Alpha PestControl [Deleted]

    I second this. I won't last very long anymore...probably does about 5 games for me or so.
  5. P

    Z Dungeon [Deleted]

    sigh...the last skill needed to get to 75 for me for prifdinnas :'( And no bots for this.
  6. P

    Alpha Fighter [Deleted]

    working flawlessly for me :/
  7. P

    RS3 New account - current progress / goals

    Probably too late lol XD
  8. P

    Resolved Consistent black screen for short time periods

    @Cloud Having a problem running runemate dev mode (haven't tested with normal mode), ever since the update. When I click off of the window, and then back on, the screen turns black for a short period of time. Also, from time to time, the whole window will turn black, for around 20 seconds or so.
  9. P

    RS3 New account - current progress / goals

    LOLOLOL Jagex banhammer is coming for youuuuu
  10. P

    Question Detecting items on the ground?

    Yep...thanks guys...I got it a while back.
  11. P

    Paulsniper19's Portable Planker [Deleted]

    Alright guys! Update rolling in! Let's hope that all goes well this time :D Here's a small proggy. Okay! Latest update has been released! Please let me know of any issues.
  12. P

    Resolved Bot not detecting GameObjects?

    That's the miscellaneous tab. I'm seeing it's the same :/ Unless my sight has failed me lol
  13. P

    Resolved Bot not detecting GameObjects?

    Is it possible that the action would have changed ? Reason I'm asking is because this all of a sudden happened.
  14. P

    Paulsniper19's Portable Planker [Deleted]

    Hey guys, when the next update rolls out, do this for me... The first time you click on the sawmill, move the interface to the middle of the screen (essentially blocking vision of the sawmill). Once you do that, then start the bot. I believe there's a bug with the client currently.
  15. P

    Resolved Bot not detecting GameObjects?

    @Cloud I noticed that with my Portable Planker bot, it is no longer detecting the portable sawmill; instead, it is just hovering over it. Once I click on the GameObject (Sawmill) manually, then everything else works as expected. I have tested this a few times, and came to the conclusion that...
  16. P

    Alpha Gilded Altar [Deleted]

    After exiting portal (after offering bones/ashes), instead of walking back to the bank, it keeps left clicking the portal. I think it's not checking to see if inventory is empty to go to bank. See attached for settings used.
  17. P

    RedDungeon Trial [Deleted]

    oh shit serious? lmao
  18. P

    RedDungeon Trial [Deleted]

    Red just disappeared off the face of the earth :/
  19. P

    Resolved Can't start RuneMate.jar

    Have you restarted your PC and then tried uninstalling?