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  1. D

    Alpha Divination [Deleted]

    That's true but does it make such a big difference that I'd be faster for me to keep training at lustrous to 85 even though I'm lv 82? Or would brilliant be faster?
  2. D

    Alpha Divination [Deleted]

    I was at lustrous with 20k energy doing enhanced xp. Do note I'm running this on a cheap vps which might not run it without lagging. Do you mind explaining how tf you got 50k hr at lustrous without enhanced xp. I'm currently at brilliant on regular xp getting 36k hr o_O
  3. D

    Alpha Divination [Deleted]

    I mean, if you buy energy to make your run smoother, I did converting to energy first for 4 hrs and I had enough for 74>80. Also, proggy :D Currently doing a bit of goldfarming because my cash stack is running low and maybe get the expenses from membership + vps back.
  4. D

    Double shifts?

    A vps, just 1 account. Idk it's just for fun might make some profit out of it later on though.
  5. D

    Safest skill and best script to use?

    I'll start combat later, the thing is. 1-99 str is probably faster than 80-99 divination :(
  6. D

    Safest skill and best script to use?

    Goodluck with that. Divination is by far one of the slowest skills. I've been botting it a week long for at least 12 hrs a day and I'm hitting 80 tonight (I hope!) Currently at 78 with 54k/hr using the enhanced xp method (costs around 120k hr)
  7. D

    Safest skill and best script to use?

    I don't think so tbh, combat will get you banned really quick imo. Divination is relatively safe to bot as in 99% of the people you encounter are bots aswell.
  8. D

    Double shifts?

    Don't worry about it much. I boy everyday with a minimum of 12 hours and still standing strong.
  9. D

    Alpha Divination [Deleted]

    1-99 with enhanced experience will costs alot. At least 200m. But it's well worth it.
  10. D

    Alpha Divination [Deleted]

    It all depends on how you train, if you go enhanced experience you'll make nothing. If you decide to go for money solely you'll make 150k hr at lv 1. I made about 2m from 1 to 30. Currently I make about 550k hr at lv 70 divination although I prefer to go enhanced experience so I'll get to 95...
  11. D

    Alpha Divination [Deleted]

    No probs at either canifis or armies. At armies it does sometimes get hit but I've never dieddied, never got attacked at canifis
  12. D

    OSRS motherlode smither

    I'm pretty sure world hopping isn't included in any bot yet because the api doesn't support it(not stable?)
  13. D

    Question HELP.

    Maybe a dns systen would be useful. You simply setup one dns host, point your runemate account to it and you'll only have to update your dns for the runemate login to work. Unless your dns account got hijacked this is a safe method. (services such as no-ip dyndns etc)
  14. D

    Question HELP.

  15. D

    OSRS Skilling bots

    Will this be rs3 aswell?
  16. D


    Couldn't find the one I was using :( sorry
  17. D


    Yep, personally Idk after effects. I always used C4d where I'd render as MKV and convert to gif. This conversion was lossless what results in no quality loss but big file size. I'll Google the program I used and let you know.
  18. D

    Alpha Divination [Deleted]

    This means Spectre exceeds the Java heap size seen at top of the log. Try increasing it. Edit: I always have to manually click them. Also, when others do target the enriched spring this bot ignores it. When I click the spring myself it won't change to another wisp/spring. Nonetheless...
  19. D


    Render is as pngs and compile them lossless into gif.
  20. D

    Alpha Divination [Deleted]

    28k/hr! Doesn't seem to spot enriched Springs though, any chance you'll add these later?