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  1. N

    Tutorial Bypass "Unable to create advertising" error

    Or spam click the Start Rs3 button or Start osrs button 5 times For Mac a Copy and paste the rs3 or osrs application
  2. N

    OSRS Looking for a developer/Scripter for gold farming project

    8b a month for 1000 accounts is poor ass money
  3. N

    OSRS Looking for a developer/Scripter for gold farming project

    No offense that shit sounds pointless 1000 accounts to only make 8b a month that's really weak You can make 300m an hour with 1000 accounts
  4. N

    Banned? Read Me First!

    This is not confirmed don't let these people fool you keep botting div
  5. N

    Banned? Read Me First!

    I beg to difer it's depends on the person what they are botting
  6. N

    QuickMiner Lite [Deleted]

    @Cloud is it me or am i the only one getting bank errors
  7. N

    QuickMiner Lite [Deleted]

  8. N

    QuickMiner Lite [Deleted]

    Post a log fam
  9. N

    Prime Blast Furnace [Deleted]

    Hopefully this stays free until every in this bot works
  10. N

    OSRS vs RS3

    Been botting on osrs more often And for what I can Rs3 botting is more dectable than osrs Made like 12 fresh accs last month still have those 12 accs no bans no 2day bans at all But then again Rs3 is pointless
  11. N

    RS3 Cursed bot killer

    Killling Goldfarming bots pointless and Rs3 goldfarming is pointless
  12. N

    RS3 Critique my Foolish Ideas.

    why not both
  13. N

    RS3 Critique my Foolish Ideas.

    Im the king of goldfarming Create 1000 accounts bot on 1000 accs bot on 250k gp per hour per account and youll make 2.5bil per hour fam
  14. N

    What do you think of my work so far?

    Aren't we all Germans?
  15. N

    Storm Baxtorian

    At it again ruining peoples days... (Squidl not clouse :^) )
  16. N

    Why are you here?

    I came here because party said that he was gonna throw a party with booze and also to become a nun
  17. N

    Nano Dungeoneering [Deleted]

    Give it more details on why it is not working and a attach a log to it
  18. N

    Couple of questions before I start.

    I'm forgot to say major ones like EpicBot,Powerbot,osbot,Tribot Those still use injection You can never really avoid a ban. Instead call it. How to last longer
  19. N

    Couple of questions before I start.

    I'd would advise you to tryout the free bots. I stumbled onto Runemate becuz my main got banned using "Powerbot" in 2010 I quit play Rs 4 5 years I used "Powerbot" and I still got banned then i looked 4 other clients and gave Runemate a go when it was injection been with them almost 2 years now.
  20. N

    Couple of questions before I start.

    Imo don't use injection bots any more so that you get banned becuz of it.