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  1. moass

    Prime Barrows SUPPORTER [Deleted]

    I'm babysitting experiencing the same issue. Additionally, i've had to remove the pool in poh bc even though the clan wars portal is chosen to restore stats, it gets stuck trinyg to use the (low lvl) pool in poh to restore spec or pray maybe. Once I tele to ferox manually it regains its footing.
  2. moass

    Farming Mate [Deleted]

    Hey, After passively babysitting found some behavior that might want looking at. - when I accidentally say I have a mounted xeric's talisman but instead have one equipped it will TP to poh and leave the via poh portal endlessly instead of stopping the bot or using the equipped one -If the...
  3. moass

    Cuppa Karambwans

    Adding any additional features? Gem mine / quest cape / DJR banking? Besides donating they would be useful, and features I would pay for.
  4. moass

    Bug MacOS When Client is closed, a full reinstall is required.

    Roger yes - thank you for the discord message as well. Here's my error on running standalone. Light mode (not auto or dark) enabled. Maybe this one's an easy fix.
  5. moass

    Bug MacOS When Client is closed, a full reinstall is required.

    I've performed a fresh install of macOS Ventura running on an m1 iMac. Since then i've reinstalled JRE 8u361 and runemate. Upon opening runemate after fresh installation, spectre opens, and everything works perfectly. Once closed, runemate will show that it is open (dot below application in...
  6. moass

    Hexis Tithe Farm

    Should definitely disable this bot for the time being, does NOT work as intended. attempts to use seeds on already planted plots, at least half of the plants die. Probably blew .80 attempting to get it to work (refreshing cache, restarted sceptre, etc). Free version works very nicely
  7. moass

    Cuppa Agility AIO

    Yeah, it pulled the same info from last session like always. I belive you no doubt, it was on the login screen and the 'current action' as you can tell was 'performing action, cross tightrope'. Must be something to do with the system update. I assume sceptre would have recognized the logout...
  8. moass

    Cuppa Agility AIO

    Had a 4:55 timer on the bot. System update happened and instead, it ran for 22 hours despite the timer. What do?
  9. moass

    Hexis Tithe Farm Lite [Deleted]

    pathing is absolutely fucked, and like above post, after 1 or 2 runes it will plant 7-9 and let the others die.
  10. moass

    Hexis Wintertodt

    Sat for two hours opening up the bank then closing the interface. I watched it for a while this time - something to do with having a burma torch equipped and it still wants to remove a tinder box, then bank loops. Second time I noticed this, can't help but feel like its hit or miss, wasting...