I think this is a rather recent issue - I don't remember it happening in the past year or so. When using WebPath to walk from Falador to Varrock the bot tries to use the shortcut on the north side of the Falador wall and it can't because its on a F2P world so the webpath.step() keeps repeatedly...
I tried that aswell in my frantic "try everything" mode and it produces the same result. I don't think its a svn issue but rather something wrong with my manifest but i just can't see it.
The current manifest location was the result of just looking up open source bots on the store and copying...
This all arose when I started trying to push my bot to svn. I originally had a single folder with source since I don't use an IDE. But when I tried to update it to svn and it wasn't working I decided to restructure my directory to match everyone elses. But now I can't even get runemate to load...