I'm just going to bump this thread again... How does human bio metrics work on spectre- as it hooks into the client and can't read mouse movements. Did you just collect all data in the past and now you've implemented it?
Well have three accounts (all fresh) running your script rn. Sometimes they are getting stuck at lumby bank... So a quick fix in your next update would be great :)
Getting a more than 3 bots running message even though I've only got one account running atm. Although I have accounts added on my client that my friend is running on his pc, he has a separate supporter account. Does it think that I have three accounts open because my buddy is running the...
Got a new OSRS account, most stats are still lvl 1. Just wondering what is the safest/effecient combat bot on this client, there are many to choose from
I changed my name asap for this very reason... Has it changed publicly or does everyone still see 'The Mayor' ?
For those wondering, I requested Arbiter to change it ASAP shortly after I registered
Only yesterday it repeatedly teleports to the same lodestone. Casts teleport, teleports, tries to walk (but theres a lag because your still appearing at lodestone), then re-teleoports. Hope it's fixed :P
Could you add camera rotation? Feel like I'm going to get banned soon :p
Camera rotates after a while :) My bad. Running smoothly
Chop and burn support? :P
Sometimes when the spot moves, the bot doesn't reclick it. This usually happens when the bot is doing the random item antiban. Hope it gets fixed because this is by far the best fishing script atm. Also the location was lumbridge :)