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  1. guru

    Prime Thieving Lite [Deleted]

    If it constantly worldhops its because there are no knights inside the house in that world. Lure one your self in such a case. Theving guild isn't likely to be added.
  2. guru

    Prime Blast Furnace [Deleted]

    Guru updated Prime Blast Furnace with a new update entry: Prime Blast Furnace v1.3.6 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. guru

    Prime Blast Furnace [Deleted]

    When it tries to pay the foreman what happens? It looks like it thinks it suceeded, so obviously something didn't but what? Or is it that it isn't looking at the conveyor when it should be?
  4. guru

    Bug Checking if items are within the bank keeps breaking

    Cloud has said next update, not sure when that will be should hopefully fix.
  5. guru

    OSRS Prime Giant Mole Bot 1m/HR

    No not currently.
  6. guru

    OSRS Prime Giant Mole Bot 1m/HR

    Fire cape and prims will definitely make a small difference. Sometimes, RNG is just really shit. Also I heard that Ardy cape 4, is the best cape for fighting mole if that helps.
  7. guru

    Prime Thieving [Deleted]

    Is that RS3? I don't remember there being a master farmer in osrs at ardy?
  8. guru

    Prime Blast Furnace [Deleted]

    You got a log for this
  9. guru

    Prime Blast Furnace [Deleted]

    I mean I have absolutely no idea what would cause that, I've not changed anything. Some minor changes went through recently that may make it work better for you now.
  10. guru

    Prime Herblore [Deleted]

    Guru updated Prime Herblore with a new update entry: Prime Herblore v1.0.1 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. guru

    Prime Blast Furnace [Deleted]

    Great to hear. Do you mean the deposit box sometimes opens? Does it get stuck on deposit box or does it successfully close it? Also let me know if you have any more issues with banking stopping the bot, it might be fixed.
  12. guru

    Prime Thieving [Deleted]

    How much do I owe you
  13. guru

    Prime Thieving [Deleted]

    Where did the bot stop? Was it inside the bank? Also I assume this was master farmers? And what game mode? Also could I get a screenshot of what drops were left in your inventory, and also what items you selected to drop and what ones you selected to loot?
  14. guru

    Prime Thieving [Deleted]

    Open it and just give me the log up until it failed + 15 minutes or so. If It only did one inventory, then I would guess it lasted less than 60 minutes, so send me 60 minutes of log
  15. guru

    Prime Thieving [Deleted]

    Put it on pastebin or attach the file to your post using the upload a file next to post reply when commenting
  16. guru

    Prime Thieving [Deleted]

    I can add extra locations yes; is this menaphos the new RS3 location?
  17. guru

    Prime Thieving [Deleted]

    I need the logs (can be found by clicking Help>View Logs in RM) and then I also need to know which settings you selected.
  18. guru

    Prime Blast Furnace [Deleted]

    Guru updated Prime Blast Furnace with a new update entry: Prime Blast Furnace v1.3.5 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. guru

    Bug Checking if items are within the bank keeps breaking

    As of one of the most recent patches I know @Cloud and @Party did some work on making the Bank work properly for empty banks. int quantity = Bank.getQuantity(coal); if (Bank.isOpen() && quantity <= 28 && !Bank.newQuery().results().isEmpty()) { bot().getLogger().info("Found " + quantity + "...
  20. guru

    Prime Blast Furnace v2 [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.