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  1. tacticalman

    RS3 Price Check

    I'm willing to give you what you want and I have the cash ready if you are interested in selling it.
  2. tacticalman

    RS3 Selling RS3 Main

    I'll offer $70 and hes not the only one interested, not to mention I have the cash ready to go.
  3. tacticalman

    RS3 Max Only with Runemate?

    Good luck with this I would love to see how far you get and how you plan on doing the skills(Order, methods, etc)
  4. tacticalman

    buying rs3 account

    I have a good RS account with high all around stats but I'm willing to sell for PayPal or GP http://gyazo.com/92ce61e268a1de55bc354526bbb0ce68
  5. tacticalman

    OSRS Gold & Fire Cape

    I have 36m OSRS to sell but please give me a good rate :)
  6. tacticalman

    Selling Nice Main on RS3&OSRS

    Just offer not really sure what its worth.
  7. tacticalman

    Selling Nice Main on RS3&OSRS

    I probably will clean the osrs bank depending on how much it sells for but right now the osrs bank is about 35m
  8. tacticalman

    Selling Nice Main on RS3&OSRS

    Still selling. Idk just feel free to offer.
  9. tacticalman


    Lol I remember stealing powerbot scripts and converting them to run on rarebot after the bot nuke since it was the only bot running.
  10. tacticalman


    Thats what made me laugh the hardest :D "EvilCabbage R00nMate Customer Service"
  11. tacticalman

    OSRS Got my quest cape! In under 2 weeks from scratch

    I'm sorry but are you dumb or do you just not speak english? Why would I risk $1500 worth of gold for $0 in return? @EvilCabbage since you plan on being them MM please explain to him how a bet works....
  12. tacticalman

    OSRS Got my quest cape! In under 2 weeks from scratch

    Like I really don't understand, I'm still down for the bet but you have to put up 1b too.
  13. tacticalman

    OSRS Range 1-99

    If you want the best xp/hr and best use of your money you want void+salve ammy(e) on those monkeys on ape atoll.
  14. tacticalman

    Introducing Advertising

    Personally the ads don't bother me but why go to that website and buy powerleveling when I can go on the general market and find someone doing it for a quarter of the price?
  15. tacticalman

    RS3 Need a tip

    Overloads are better since they have defence boost too but just try and make money for 91 herblore doing prayer pots(pretty cheap) and make some overloads.
  16. tacticalman

    OSRS Got my quest cape! In under 2 weeks from scratch

    Thats not how a bet works..... The bet goes like this, I put down 1b you put down 1b and if you ended up being right(probably not) you would take my 1b and your 1b. Thats how a bet works. I'm not going to risk 1b for 0gp return....
  17. tacticalman

    RS3 Need a tip

    Nice! QBD is really good for cash and just keep doing it. Do you have super antifires or overloads?
  18. tacticalman

    OSRS Range 1-99

    Well you can start at 66 or whatever its just not worth it until 85 since you can get void and salve ammy(e).
  19. tacticalman

    OSRS Range 1-99

    On RS3 yes, on OSRS its really slow so not worth it.
  20. tacticalman

    OSRS Got my quest cape! In under 2 weeks from scratch

    Wait what? Do you know how a bet works?