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  1. S

    Alpha Runecrafting [Deleted]

    Does not work for any runes for me.
  2. S

    Alpha Runecrafting [Deleted]

    I am. It doesnt work.
  3. S

    Darkscape Botting Progress

    What is your setup for magic?
  4. S

    RS3 Darkscape combot/charms

    What is a good setup/bot/levels to do water fiends? (Darkscape)
  5. S

    Anyone currently making money with alching?

    Yea but anything that doesnt make a loss. Like even 1 gp profit. Or if that doesnt work whats a good way to train magic (bottable)
  6. S

    Anyone currently making money with alching?

    Darkscape Pretty sure I could just google those other ones...
  7. S

    RS3 Darkscape Botting Progress -ChodePower

    When you start Nats want to hook me up?
  8. S

    Anyone currently making money with alching?

    Im looking to train magic for Desert Treasure and wanted to know if anyone is making money with high alchemy.
  9. S

    Alpha Runecrafting [Deleted]

    When I start Air Runes at Varrok West bank It just stands there and does nothing
  10. S

    Ironman Darkscape Thieving Moneymaking?

    Ok I would REALLY appreciate if you could
  11. S

    Ironman Darkscape Thieving Moneymaking?

    I checked and there are no bots for wall safes. Any other ideas?
  12. S

    Ironman Darkscape Thieving Moneymaking?

  13. S

    Ironman Darkscape Thieving Moneymaking?

    Do you know what the level req. and gp/h is?
  14. S

    Ironman Darkscape Thieving Moneymaking?

    Where can Where can you do this?
  15. S

    Ironman Darkscape Thieving Moneymaking?

    What is the best way to make money by thieving in darkscape?
  16. S

    Resolved Bot Help

    The error message I get below # # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x692f4829, pid=4520, tid=1044 # # JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_60-b27) (build 1.8.0_60-b27) # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM)...