When it comes to Linux, or Unix in general, there are pretty much no "best distro" around. Just try them all out, and what you find the most suitable for you - use it. I personally prefer Debian.
(12:18:08) An error occurred while trying to retrieve the movements of clouse pack sqd
(12:18:09) java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://cdn.runemate.com/paths/yZO.svgz
(12:18:09) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(Unknown Source)
(12:18:09) at...
(11:47:22) An error occurred while trying to retrieve the movements of clouse pack bNU
(11:47:23) java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://cdn.runemate.com/paths/lDa.svgz
(11:47:23) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(Unknown Source)
(11:47:23) at...
Why not PayPal? If you recover the account I can chargeback.
Hence you are always able to recover the account - selling via PayPal should not be a risk to you.
I am not sure how many of you guys out here know who am I. Oh, yeah - me neither but however yeah, I am highly known on other Runescape botting community. However, that bot only does support OSRS - and I wanna get into that awesome RS3 bossing again, after my main got banned for bug abuse...