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  1. zasz

    Leaked Internal Jagex Document - Update on RuneScape Botting & Gold Farming Risk

    This whole document was for 2011 bot nuke, not 2015. http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/ClusterFlutterer
  2. zasz

    OSRS Skiller only from Runemate [Progress] [Updated Daily]

    Total level 125/126... Bro nice gains, but level up other stats lol
  3. zasz

    I, EvilCabbage, hereby resign as a staff member

    I, Zasz, hereby accept EvilCabbage's position of Staff.
  4. zasz

    OSRS Skiller only from Runemate [Progress] [Updated Daily]

    Doing math based of your total level, 86-23 skills - 9 hitpoints = 54. meaning range and attack lvl 1 lol.
  5. zasz

    RS3 Double XP Weekend Announced! | 25th September

    Then why not join in and bot during double xp weekend, I was just stating its a few minutes to login + start a bot.
  6. zasz

    RS3 Double XP Weekend Announced! | 25th September

    Start a bot before bed lol. 8 hours is fair runtime on any low-medium risk thing to bot.
  7. zasz

    Question What do you think? :D

    You know depending on how far they go (if they actually do go far), the fact you are posting being associated with them makes it easy for any federal investigation to find you, question you to get to them. Unless its just simple stuff that doesn't get the feds attention, then you are fine.
  8. zasz

    , this wouldn't be possible unless you had a "Play tester" position and would need to pay for it...

    , this wouldn't be possible unless you had a "Play tester" position and would need to pay for it and not practical in the long run. He just can review the code to make sure its not too sloppily written + isn't malicious.
  9. zasz

    If you can push a bot to the store, that means your a writer, even if its crappy. While @Cloud...

    If you can push a bot to the store, that means your a writer, even if its crappy. While @Cloud would have to play test every script + update to know if its of quality. Being how MANY script are submitted + pushed
  10. zasz

    RS3 Double XP Weekend Announced! | 25th September

    The plan. On my lower level accounts bot Slayer for a long time, then once I hit a certain level, use the charms for double xp summoning. Then repeat slayer until I finished wanted summoning. Then get 70-80 Agility. And perhaps if meet all those within the weekend either construction / smithing.
  11. zasz

    RS3 EvilCabbage's Perfect 1-99 Cooking Guide

    Its not perfect, I bought 1 million shrimp because the guide didn't tell me how many to cook :( Now I am trying to make up my losses with only getting 12 cooking off them and selling 999,800 burnt shrimp :( Also go in detail about profitability and such
  12. zasz

    Death System

    Pro tip, don't use bots where they aren't made well enough to keep you alive / make your own.
  13. zasz

    Z Dungeon [Deleted]

    Just a little behind schedule, but some issues like a known item interaction bug is slowing down some progress. But I can assure that progress is being made and I see release on the horizon.
  14. zasz


    I support gay marriage. And the equality of the message this post brings. So I would like the stacks reversed as well.
  15. zasz

    Resolved Bot hangs indefinitely after interactable item goes null

    Managed to repeat it again, still not fixed
  16. zasz

    Resolved Add Account?

    The add account is to add an account to RuneMate for the future, once its added, you only need to select it from the list, then select your bot you wish to run, then star.
  17. zasz

    Alpha Slayer [Deleted]

    Cool beans waiting for push.
  18. zasz

    Resolved Bot hangs indefinitely after interactable item goes null

    Any place where you can have an item go null while the mouse is moving. Tables have a delay so it's a little easier there.
  19. zasz

    Resolved Bot hangs indefinitely after interactable item goes null

    Yes, it stops moving in place and nothing else will be called / moved onto with my bot.