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  1. phasecoder

    Resolved Evertime i start a script for osrs i get this spammed

    Iv deleted all substance of runemate even the .jar and re downloaded no luck what so ever
  2. phasecoder

    Resolved Evertime i start a script for osrs i get this spammed

    So is this my end or yours? I cant get a script to run in osrs.
  3. phasecoder

    Resolved Evertime i start a script for osrs i get this spammed

    starts off this Exception in thread "Bot-Phase OS Fletcher" (12:13:16) java.lang.StackOverflowError (12:13:16) at sun.awt.Win32GraphicsConfig.getBounds(Native Method) (12:13:16) at sun.awt.Win32GraphicsConfig.getBounds(Unknown Source) (12:13:16) at...
  4. phasecoder

    Resolved Evertime i start a script for osrs i get this spammed

    http://pastebin.com/YHUbEgKb what is that all; about?
  5. phasecoder

    [OSRS] Mousekey dropping

    Yea osbuddy has it as default feature, or youtube it for rs and you will see.
  6. phasecoder

    [OSRS] Mousekey dropping

    with mousekeys you never drop the last row tho not it doesnt work like that it hops to "Drop"
  7. phasecoder

    [OSRS] Mousekey dropping

    Well mousekeys like hop the mouse, this api doesn't support Mouse#hop the best i came up with was droping from different colloms, like from 4 to 0 5 to 8 12 to 16 etc etc and from 28 to 4 3 to 27 etc or 4 to 28 27 to 3
  8. phasecoder

    WebWalking some how stops.

    why use clickDepositButton? Bank#depositInventory() does exact same thing
  9. phasecoder

    Alpha PestControl [Deleted]

    GameObject plank = #newQuary().filter(id).name(name).action("cross").reachable#results#nearest Intead of #interact add the name and action to the build up and #click that way it wont open menu
  10. phasecoder

    Resource [Sorting] Getting the 2nd nearest rock/tree/man/stall/etc for hovering and other tasks

    something along the lines GameObject nextTree; if (nextTree == null || !nextTree.isValid()) { nextTree = GameObjects.newQuery().names("trees").visible().results().sortByDistance().limit(1, 2).random(); } if (nextTree != null) {...
  11. phasecoder

    EDungeoneering a complex reality

    Am sure you said yesterday you wished you knew how to script : So how the hell are you head dev of a script like this.
  12. phasecoder

    Time Controlled Shutdown

    Yea i was thinking along the same sort lines, and it would be up to the Scripter/ what type script it is weather to call this
  13. phasecoder

    Time Controlled Shutdown

    Timer == setamount > logout > kill process set arguments like how you have for user n which cliient to download or maybe im way out my depth here
  14. phasecoder

    Time Controlled Shutdown

    Is there no way of killing the process from the task manager maybes? something along them lines?
  15. phasecoder

    [OSRS] Mousekey dropping

    leme take a look brb
  16. phasecoder

    (Fast/Cheap/Reliable) RS3/OSRS Services

    Wow thanks so much man done it with very limited supplies big massive huge vouch for @HitchThoseCocks amazing service
  17. phasecoder

    (Fast/Cheap/Reliable) RS3/OSRS Services

    ::Order Form:: Order:kiln cape Skype: check pm Agree to T.O.S: yup
  18. phasecoder

    Ok man thanks ill get onit when i get home :)

    Ok man thanks ill get onit when i get home :)
  19. phasecoder

    this is so freaking stupid

    yeah lol
  20. phasecoder

    or god not this again am sure you heard the many million storries but heres what happened, Arbi...

    or god not this again am sure you heard the many million storries but heres what happened, Arbi wudnt have us butsox with jacmob, so jacmob got but hurt and but hurt MMG and thus endeared MMG having fluffy bunnys to jacmobs auntys uncles cuzin freinds donkeys dog.