Feedback/review system
(Possibly a trusted user badge)
Separate sections for Services, gold, accounts, etc.
Guidelines, we need guidelines on what we can and can't do. (Curious as to if we can use the money system on this website)
you get the gist
The perks of being a bot author:
We can make the bots that we want.
We ignore people that demand shit without contributing anything.
We can make the bots that we want.
Goodluck... How long do you bot daily. And whatever that is, cut it in half, because that's what will allow you to get maxed without being banned. Don't bot during the typical time jagex does updates. Most updates come with a ban wave.
Well I haven't started it, but the previous battle when Naruto wrecks that one dude with the white eyes, was really cool (I don't do well with names xD )