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    OSRS My bots were banned while not running.

    $10 it was pest control
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    OSRS Tithe Farm Premium bot wouold be nice

    I loved this bot so much - I never had any issues running into anyone. edit:forgot to quote this was in reference to Snuf's tithe farm bot
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    Negrita's Lunar magic [Deleted]

    Works great! Only issue so far is that it will stall on depositing/withdrawing (client issue I think). Maybe add some check in your banking leaf to retry after a few seconds. I'll get a screenshot next time I use but I noticed when spinning flax the casts p/hr and the xp p/hr are the same so...
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    Resolved max botting hours

    Tutorial - Billing and Payment FAQ
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    Regal Thieving [Deleted]

    you'll probably be banned from using powerbot - don't blame this one when you switch. Also, if you somehow don't get banned you're a lot less likely to be banned using runemate
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    Quality Slayer [Deleted]

    In the description of the bot it states requirements of the bot. Required items: 1. Camelot teleport 2. Falador teleport 3. Lumbridge teleport 4. Varrock teleport Don't complain about it being a waste of money if you didn't bother reading the description.
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    OSRS Is botting dead?

    Yup! Definitely bot on it a little more modestly - like 2-3 hours at a time regular shit and 4-6 hours nmz. I realize my post wasn't very clear, sorry about that. one with 2 day is my main, 1700+ total, barrows gloves, 500m bank. My hunter is what I use to get money and supplies. 40/85/~ 80+...
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    OSRS Is botting dead?

    bot f2p slowly after some quests, do mostly combat and talk at spots. Don't bot more than four hours a day in the beginning. After a week or two without getting banned you should be in the clear. Don't rwt on a fresh account. Out of two accounts I have one with a two day and one with zero bans...
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    OSRS Best money making bot

    I think it's exaggerated when using Runemate. In my experience I've got one bot to 100m no ban, and two to ~98 before ban. Was able to squeeze ~50M off of the two banned before they were.
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    OSRS Best money making bot

    Red chins I get 500k-600k an hour with prime. Depending on how much you bot, you can get banned in about a week, but you'll make enough to get a bond for your next character
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    Prime NMZ

    Attached, was able to repair (thanks for the manual fix!) I set it to stop after a specific amount of dreams, usually one dream for me is ~3 hours
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    Prime NMZ

    Another log of it getting stuck at bob because it didn't bring enough gp Should bring 330k not 300k.
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    Prime NMZ

    @Party does this also fix the purchasing repairs from Bob and teleporting? If not I'll try to get logs today or tomorrow for you.
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    OSRS Best money making bot

    f2p is shit moneymaking. Yews I guess, but you'll have a hard time not getting banned in f2p. p2p hunter is good, and orb charging I guess.
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    Prime NMZ

    I looked through logs but I've been manually fixing this when I encounter it. I'll get logs for this when I encounter this again. Log file attached
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    Prime NMZ

    I had an issue with the bot talking to bob for two hours because it withdrew the incorrect amount of gold - attached are logs. Can I have a stack of gold in my inventory to keep, just in case?
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    OSRS Working Minnows bot

    it catches the fishies. I have no idea how minnows work to be honest.
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    OSRS Working Minnows bot

    Prime fishing works for minnows - set custom location and select minnows as the fish. Used it 20+ hours over the weekend.
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    Quality Slayer [Deleted]

    I know there's the option, I'm just saying it doesn't work :p I'll make a gif later, my capture program needs updating and I have to head to work.
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    Quality Slayer [Deleted]

    Running better now, but still some issues: Using last tele charge to Karamja on glory will cause the bot to teleport back to bank to receive fully charged one, effectively wasting the charge. Does not pause long enough after picking Zygomite, causing it to sit there taking damage without...