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    Awesome Mining [Deleted]

    Mining works great but having issues with pathing to banks. Below example from varrock west: 00:06:15 WARN Could not build webpath to Area(3181, 3433, 0 -> 3185, 3447, 0) Any fix in the works for this or have I done something wrong?
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    Resolved Multiple bots not walking anywhere

    Working now, thanks Arbiter!
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    Resolved Multiple bots not walking anywhere

    So I've been trying to run a few different bots today, and i've found that none of them will walk anywhere when required. Fighting bots have been running fine as they click on the mobs and mining bots will mine without issue, but when it comes to travelling to a bank or area or anything none of...
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    VisualRM [DEV]

    The VisualRM presets being bank withdraw/deposit actions? I'm trying to get the bot to swap from smelting amulets to stringing them once it detects i'm out of gold bars and gems, just need to get the detection working
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    VisualRM [DEV]

    Can anyone help me to add a bank item check into the portables bot? I've managed to change everything to smelt emerald amulets and that part is working great, but from here i want to be able to make the bot check my bank before trying to withdraw, so it doesn't attempt to withdraw if there...
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    SuperMiner [Deleted]

    This runs great for most mines i've tried, but does get stuck running back to varrock south-west mine from bank every so often. Great work
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    Alpha Fighter [Deleted]

    Has anyone figured out how to use the banking options properly? Am I correct in assuming the required amount is the amount needed in your inventory, withdraw amount self explanatory. So say i have 1 required amount and 20 withdraw amount, I should withdraw 20 items once i have less than one in...
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    Awesome Mining LITE [Deleted]

    @awesome123man hey mate, lovely work on the bot. Curious as to whether you've found a fix for the current bug spam clicking empty nodes? @Imforsakened got any examples that teleport? currently trying to mine in rimmington, tried starting in falador, lumbridge, al kharid but wont teleport. My...