***SUGGESTION*** My best ranged weapon I have for Zulrah JUUST happens to be the "Eclipse Atlatl", and STRENGTH POTIONS are what boosts my dps. PLEASE ADD STRENGTH/SUPERSTRENGTH/SUPER CMB POTS soon***SUGGESTION***
This is a VERRYYY Clean script you've got here man.
If any1 who's wondering if this bots worth the money and setup, lolol, if only you was able to see what gear and supplies I'm working with over here. Then after that if you seen the bot land these kills like it does, you would be grateful to have access to this script, BEFORE EVEN USING IT YOURSLEF. The script is damn near tile perfect, AND HELL, i wouldn't doubt it if the misclicks was JUST A PART OF THE ANTI-BAN.
I Love the bot man, thanks for letting me rent it!
***SUGGESTION*** My best ranged weapon I have for Zulrah JUUST happens to be the "Eclipse Atlatl", and STRENGTH POTIONS are what boosts my dps. PLEASE ADD STRENGTH/SUPERSTRENGTH/SUPER CMB POTS soon***SUGGESTION***