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needs some work done , bot keeps standing there afk for 0 reason untill it times out , mabey drop the price because of how often the bot messes up ? so far today its done it 3 times each time within 20 mins of starting .
it should give you a reason for timing out, and you should be able to fix that on your own. all that is required is some reading skill and problem solving
It was a decent bot, everything worked great until one day it stopped clicking the boat and the loot from Zulrah after it is killed (this is when I manually click the boat)
I've tried to restart my client, my bot and my computer. Nothing worked.
ask for help in the appropriate channels (the discussion thread or discord) so i can help you
***SUGGESTION*** My best ranged weapon I have for Zulrah JUUST happens to be the "Eclipse Atlatl", and STRENGTH POTIONS are what boosts my dps. PLEASE ADD STRENGTH/SUPERSTRENGTH/SUPER CMB POTS soon***SUGGESTION***

This is a VERRYYY Clean script you've got here man.
If any1 who's wondering if this bots worth the money and setup, lolol, if only you was able to see what gear and supplies I'm working with over here. Then after that if you seen the bot land these kills like it does, you would be grateful to have access to this script, BEFORE EVEN USING IT YOURSLEF. The script is damn near tile perfect, AND HELL, i wouldn't doubt it if the misclicks was JUST A PART OF THE ANTI-BAN.

I Love the bot man, thanks for letting me rent it!

***SUGGESTION*** My best ranged weapon I have for Zulrah JUUST happens to be the "Eclipse Atlatl", and STRENGTH POTIONS are what boosts my dps. PLEASE ADD STRENGTH/SUPERSTRENGTH/SUPER CMB POTS soon***SUGGESTION***
Clean script, sometimes withdraws more than one teleport and it keeps repeating the banking process, not sure why that happens. Biggest issue that i've had along with other Mate scripts, passes an hour and just stops working. Tried clicking update, making changes to inventory, withdrawing stuff manually and it'll just teleport back to bank. So yeah, the new hour starts and the script just stops working,
the ignore loot doesnt update when saved, and cant be changed. Would be great if that could be fixed.
equipment doesn't come up when clicking on the spaces, so can't really judge the bot until that is fixed hence the 2 star
osrs just updated. simply restart your game client and runemate
Exelent. 0 Error en 100 kc
Facil de usar, solo debes seguir la indicaciones y recomendaciones.
Eso si cada vez que los inicies te cobrara 1 hora aunque solo lo uses por 2 minutos.. ten eso presente
Dont see what peoples issues are with this bot, do some dillagance and check your not overfilling your invent, or setting the bot wrong and it runs fine! over 400kc cleared so far, Great bot!
after spending about 6-7$ on this bot i have noticed a few things, the bot has great potential if its bugs and problems are worked out,

1. and possibly the most annoying the bot randomly just stops working for no reason, just says null point, this in turn leads to a death and at 100k a pop to retreive your items from zul'andra over the course of around 6$ irl can be quite costly in-game.

2. the bot will sometimes, get stuck in a loop of traversing from zul'andra to ferox and just repeating wasting tele's and therefore wasting money. like i said bot has great potential to be one of the best on the store if the few problems and bugs are fixed, i will update my review once these issues have been addressed.
Bot doesn't work, once it goes to Zul'rah it finds its position then just crashes, tried Ranged only and Hybrid same issue. I submitted some debug logs. Will update when fixed
its working flawlessly 100 precent rec the bot honestly its ran over 60 kills no problem at all working great
used yesterday for 3hrs. only thing to complain about is that it wont use partian divine ranged pots from bank has to be (4) and today it lagged out my comp so i used it for 1 min 24 seconds and had to restart. got charged .14 cents for it. thanks
you can request a refund for your wasted session here: https://www.runemate.com/store/sessions
Honestly 5 stars just based off the Bot itself, i wish the price could go back to its 0.10 cents / hour price, but still worth it if you have higher mage/range. Make sure all your equipment is fully stocked and you wont have and issue.
stuck on ring of suffering couldn't find item I dont no what am doing wrong please can you help me ?
please contact me elsewhere, reviews are not for support, as i can only leave a single comment
Works great. 100 kills 0 deaths so far. Can't bring up any problems at all. Take your time to set it up properly.
This Zulrah bot is amazing, been using it for hours every other day, even handles random deaths here and there. If you're struggling with this bot, it's definitely your runelite plugins causing issues / settings not optimised for your combat level. This bot is damn near flawless. Great work, will be following every bot this creator makes, 10/10.

1. Turn off ground items
2. Turn off grand exchange
Dont get me wrong this is a great bot all things being said but i've wasted about $2 trying to get this bot to work all it says is withdraw pattern error for my ring of suffering AND my rings of recoil it just wont work and i really love this bot if there's any solution please let me know because this could very well be my fault i just don't know it yet
could you contact me in an actual support channel, like the discussion thread, my private messages, or the discord? https://discord.gg/runemate
Eats almost half my inventory of food when looting AT FULL HEALTH wasting all my supplies but when I'm taking damage on blue phase basically almost dying it barely wants to eat. Extremely irritating to use.
Bot sometimes good. Randomly eats all my food at full health for no reason. I feel like this bot used to be better a year ago. Didn't it used to have a mage only mode?
tried for 2 hours to get this bot to work, not very happy that it wouldnt switch to range gear properly and when it would switch it would just stand there! and same when switching back to mage, it didnt attack snakelings at all and didnt even try, waste of money
could you contact me in dm or on discord for support, your issues are likely due to configuration errors