Very often this will queue a teleport out immediately after the kill before the loots drops, with 3-4 food and 2 ppots in the inventory. I believe it's just jumping the gun because its set to bank after that kill based on "excess health" and other parameters, despite being in no danger of dying whilst waiting for loot drop.
Used it for 50Kcish so far and the bot is flawless during the fight. I play with 130 ping since I'm in Asia and the bot has no issue with Zulrah at all.
I died 3 times since the bot doesn't preemptively eat high enough to counter a 40-40 b2b with snakeling hit.
Also it recently the bot will teleport out to restore even though Zulrah was dead?? Won't pick up loot or even wait for it to spawn, it'll spam click the home tab and get out. Note that we still have food in inventory so there's no reason for it to panic tele.
This bot is fab, gets me about 18 kills per hour on my iron with bowfa only strat ^.^ However, the price per hour is so high that you can't currently profit from running it on a main account. Would recommend for irons!
Bot is really good other than it loots incredibly slow for me and hovers the items on the ground without clicking for a long time. Not sure if that's intended.
was working flawless yesterday but currently it wont bank, use restore at ferix, cant board the boat. I prob just wasted like 4 hours just trying to get it out of its hiccup. other than that 10/10