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pet in under 400kc, tyvm! Beautiful bot, zero issues
I gave 4 out 5 because for some reason the bot uses house tabs 1-5 times before finally goin To the boat and u cant have runes In inventory so I had To make dust runes but I guess thats not too bad
Woox walking is cool, but still not a very all rounded bot.
If you use a Dhcb or lance, you should be golden.

Would be good if it could do the following for more low-cost gear options:

- Use piety for BGS specs
- Food to Karambwan inventory
- Switch to melee gear (melee void helm + dboots + fcape) for bgs spec
- Allow both super cb and ranging potions
- If BGS hits 0 at the beginning, spec again.
- If end of trip and space available, pick up blue dhide.
- When speccing with BGS, turn prot Mage on. Died way too many times because of this. No antifire shield.

Other than that, nice stuff.
bot works good has issues with death walk sometimes but anytime thats happened its been after 75kc at least i can conform that it will complete the combat task of punching vorkath only thing i could suggest would be allow constriction cape to be worn and teleport that way recharge serp helm when low and i have also noticed that it sometimes leaves food on ground when it could of gone for another kill with that said food at the end of trips over all very good bot ive gotten over 500kc so far with it and i look forward to continue use of this script
have been enjoying it. :D
But i don't know it's only at my end or it need an updare now. ill get some miss click and stop doing anything at the fight sometimes + when its get to Relekka it tp' s back to house and back to Relekka again.
happy gaming peps. ;)
working perfectly so far only just started but its flawless so far been running for 30 mins got 12 kills so far and 1.2mil cash im 99 range with full elite void bgs/dhcb diamon dragon bolts e and ruby dragon bolts e
I have 6500 KC with this bot LMAO
This Bot works fine, you guys have to double check ALL your settings before you start this Bot. Also check if your Special Attack weapon you typed in, is written correctly which means also watch out for capital letters and you will be fine.
Stop giving bad Ratings if it's your own fault!


After some POH adjustments. no longer have door issues etc. note. if you pause the bot it will tele back to your house and rellekka like 3 times before going to vorkath. Bot runs fantastic otherwise. nice work!
It randomly broke yesterday, but all fixed now. This bot is a money printer. Highly recommend!
Great bot, setup is easy & Vorkath is printing the GP. Get around 24 Kills per hour without any issues.
dunno what this lil bitch below is complaining about. no issues if you know how to set it up. A+
I have over 2k faultless KC using this bot. I think some people need to read the setup guide a bit more, it's not a click start and go bot (since there's a bunch of different methods that this bot supports) but the setup isn't hard either.

Also, the bot author has been plenty helpful on the RM discord channel.
this bot is AMAZING, i have 473 kc and i have died 0, I REPEAT 0 TIMES,using melee, getting 3-4 kills per trip. idk who is having trouble with dying but either way ive made over 30m using this bot and consistently let it run overnight with confidence. kudos to the creator man, this bot is perfectly spot on with everything. i dont understand how people have trouble dying when using this
I love this script however not sure how bowfa go brr, only brr is Deez nuts! On a side note, use this script as it works like a champ!
Author berates me in discord but the bot is good
Im not sure why individuals are having so much trouble with this script, it works flawlessly. BOFA go brrrrrrr at blue. getting 3/4 kills a trip at 115 CB. Well done Defeat3d!
Overall works very well but when using a serp helm it bugs out after one trip? decided to just use a nezzy helm instead which works but it now has to use anti-venoms.
what do you mean it bugs out? could you send me the logs in a dm?
little bit of a rocky start. I think it might have been runemate rather than the script itself but 120 kc later and only 3 deaths (1 after it started working)
Good for the most part but does struggle with the spawn fairly frequently and misclicks, causing deaths at the rate of 6 deaths in 40 kills. Guess its slightly more believable this way anyways but should look into making that more consistent lol