ive ran bot for about 10+ hours now. giving 4 stars because it does run well and is able to get multiple kills per trip, but isnt perfect,
things ive noticed: the bot prioritizes switching gear/spec/putting up quick prayers rather than dodging 1hit ko fireball. it also sometimes freaks out between eating/getting safe (with run on) during fireball spam phase.
it also stays in melee ranged if using a melee weapon, prone to getting meleed for 20s+
the good thing is when it dies and it does sometimes. prob 1 death : 10 kills, it will go and get your gear back, and rebank.
when the bot is running ive noticed if you do have keyboard and mouse unlocked and do try to control the client, it will usually mess up the bot for a kill causing death/extra damage taken.
i understand this bot is new and still in development so i think it is good for how long its been out.