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This tool is unusable for complex tasks because the Devkit is broken. I will change my review once this is fixed.
really like it easy to use. but the dev kit button does nothing when i click on it and it would be really useful. any ideas why it doesn't open? windows 11
Insane, i'm a new botter and this allowed me to make my own bot in an hour.
Kosire below clearly didn't watch the tutorial before reviewing. bot is 10/10 if you have a brain, however, requires you to have a brain which some people don't
All interactions or conditions just had empty drop down menus with no way select any items or values
good, some minor bugs, very versatile
great bot if it was user friendly enough to let you connect nodes without wanting to scream still havent figured it out
Definitely worth using. I was able to create a simple mining bot with the ability to powermine, bank once the amount of gems in the inventory reached a certain amount, return to the proper tile in the event of the bot getting displaced, and interact with the genie random event to get the xp lamps. There is much more you can do with this than what I described, but using tutorials and getting a basic grasp of the system can allow you to make some very basic bots for skilling purposes and evolve it over time.
How would one make a log burning fire making bot. I see that there is an interaction node but it has no output So i cant make a tinderbox use itself on a log.
Special interaction node --》 use on
Unbearably slow interface, takes a good 20-30 seconds to click or assign anything so in the time it takes to write a basic script you can learn java. Good concept but needs serious updating
i would give it more but i dont quite understand how to make the bot im trying to make if someone could make a camelot teleporting anti ban break handler one for me on online repository would be greatly appreiciated
Will you be adding any Ruins of Camdozaal identifiers? Can't make a bot because none of the items there register in the bot.
Send me an example of what you mean. I have no experience there
Amazingly dynamic tool. Truely on a level on its own!
If I could never use any other bot, and use only this one instead I wouldn't shed a tear at all.
I enjoy making these bots. There should be some alternative way to get more access to this tool without an hourly payment-sorry. At first I saw on this page that its "restricted to 7h of runtime (unpaused) a week". Which seems to be Old information. Every 744 hours you get 5 allotted hours of free usage?
Comeon thats absurd, people want to love this tool, but its not just as simple as paying for it. Im more tempted to find a way to circumvent this limitation than pay hourly-flat sure, but hourly for something that is just a sandbox and can easily accidentally rip an account through failed trial phases. Some pre-arranged scripts are safe, but the others are quite Hot-boy. Also not many random-event triggers for human-like noise.
The first and probably only review of a bot ill give. I have a feeling the 3-5 one stars at the top of the list are the same person complaining because he cant exploit the free trial system anymore. This bot is hands down my favorite bot, i love the ability to make my own bots and not have to stress about whether thousands of others have the same thing. i have not been banned yet (not sure if that will change but for now i appreciate it) this bot, if you invest the time and effort to learn it is probably one of the best you can possibly get for casual players just trying to eliminate the grind
thank you!
Amazing bot for the price. Very easy to use once you get the hang of it and you can create some amazing scripts with extremely low ban rates. 10/10!
Great bot.
Purely fantastic resource. Author has done an amazing job with this and although you only get 5 hours a month it's worth it for testing. I would gladly pay for the full version if i wasnt recently made unemployed due to covid and now ever £ helps.
this is only good for leveling accounts now, IF you know what you are doing and are willing to pay for it, still not worth paying for if you are farming gold which is what i thought the purpose of botting was in the first place. by upping the price, while the value of gold lowers, nobody will use this at all. good thing i already have leveled more than enough accounts than i need, still whats the point of risking botting if you can't get any headway? by not having a free version to learn to bot with no one is going to give a shit about what this has to offer. like i said in the review for the paid version. there are no bots that i know of capable of making more than 100k per in f2p, and bonds are 6m right now. so 5 cents every hour for five hours running two bots is 50 cents and on top of that i was paying runemate to run more accounts and thats pointless now, so not only do i no longer have any reason to give runemate money, you are losing out on potential clientele , gold is hardly worth 40 cents per million. so even if you did manage to get 100k per hour in f2p it wil hardly pay for itself which is unlikely and you will have risked an account for nothing but xp that could still get banned at any time anyways. the bots i made with this have no ban rate and i still have all the accounts i need, i can't say the same for everyone else though, everyone likes a hobby they don't lose money that they invested into it with, that is just the way it is. and even if someone made a boss bot on their own in members they are risking even more in that case because chances are its a pretty high combat lvl and quested account. if no one is familiar with the product they won't use it and trust me 5 hours a week isnt enough time to learn much of anything.
1) there is a free version you can use unlimited to create your bot and up to 5 hours a month to test it.
2) You were abusing a bug in the trial system before. It's because of people like you that I needed to fix the bug (which I knew about for a long time). You admit freely you just leeched the bot while you could using multiple account for multiple hours without ever playing a single dime. You never reviewed the bot for being any good, or thanked me for providing it or even reported any bugs while you used it before. You not using my bot doesn't lose me any 'clientel', I'd rather get rid of people like you. If I get any genuine reports of people lacking enough hours in a month to test the bot they are creating I might consider adding more hours to the trial, but not because your goldfarm earns less now.
Super cool resource. I don't feel like I've learned enough in school(programming) yet to write bots so I've been just playing around with this and it's really good practice for the logic of a bot. I just made one last night and can't figure out how to get it to fully work because I need to look through the nodes available again, but within an hour, and once I realized how important the variables section is, I realized how useful it is.
Thanks again.
Dropping a 5 star review here to offset the unjustified complaints from leechers. VisualRM has to be one of (if not the most) impressive bots on Runemate :)