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I previously rated this bot a 2star until I later found out that I was the one making the errors, i fixed things such as switching game mode to "fixed classic layout" turning off all plugins except for GPU. Replacing brews with food such as dark crab. With keris i do only use 1 brew and rest restores or sometimes only prayer pots and no food.

I do B>K>A>Z

With this order i sometimes have issues with Baba, that when it goes in to Redx on its way back (1-2tiles) due to pathing i assume, it walks back into a shadow(boulder) has killed me a good number of times.

Kephri works great. I have yet to try medic, but everything else is great.

Akkha... Here is where I've had an odd issue and only when i let it run for more that 1 raid (which sucks because paying for an hour) i need to end session once raid is over to avoid the following issue. After 1-2 (double trouble skips) it'll be the right spot and just stand there giving akkha its back, once detonation starts it either doesn't move or lands all almost all black orbs.

Zebak, haven't had an issue with at all, although i did die on him once, not sure why i don't really baby sit on zebak.

Wardens P1 i don't use the tick eat because idk not to trusting on it? Maybe ill try it, but i do find a bit annoying is that it'll keris spec on 75hp to tank the first small orbs, to get hit down to 30-45 and then brew back to 70-80's just to keris spec again on next wave of orbs at 70-80hp.

With the obelisk after thosse lamp things, does wait like 2-3 seconds to attack the obelisk again which in the long run, is time wasted and dps lost and more damage taken from orbs.

Another issue i've had very rare tho is that it'll use ambrosia to keris spec when i have restores/prayer pots and sanfews in inventory.

Something that personally i'd love added is maybe a free configuration mode? Let me adjust my settings, maybe i want to try something new or mess around to see what i like more.

If theres a way to add the amount of specs i want done to a boss? for example on babaa and or warden where i've died before when i'd use like all specs of bgs and have none for the keris.

Maybe also like recommendations of what to use and not use on certain invos to make the bot run smoother and with a better chance of completion.

Something else, idk if i'm maybe lacking damage or what, but would be a nice a setting that "stop using thralls if less than x prayer/restore pots." in some runs i've died to lack of prayer for spawning too many thralls.

Overall, the bot is great, just has some things that for me/ in my case has been crucial and costed me the raid.
Bot is great and does any invo flawlessly, people who have problems with the bot not working is a major skill issue. Literally.
Note sure if I'm setting it up right but for every 10 raids i got to wardens twice. had lots of issues with dying at Baba for some weird reason was messing up red x. then by time it got to wardens it legit had no food left. i tried with sara brews even though it says not to as well as with anglers. Didnt make any difference takes so much damage most of the time. Hopefully creator can reach out to me. Id love to spend a ton of time with the bot but i cant even finish a single run.
if you set up correctly or have atleast done toa for a bit then the bot is great. my only problem is that if your quiver doesnt have arrows it wont load them in and the Lazy prayers are not really lazy. Could there be a possible option to only swap between protection prayers and keeping the boost prayers on instead of constantly flicking for each attack?
Would be 5/5 stars however it struggles a lot at BA-BA. Many users have had issues with ba-ba for weeks now and it has not been fixed. Tick health is perfect, settings are good. Used to have no issue. Incredible script overall, but unfortunately at the moment it dies far more than it succeeds all because of issues at ba-ba. Hopefully this can get updated soon and this review will be 5/5. Bans are very high here so I would suggest only doing 1-2 per day tops. Unless you don't care about the account then by all means full send.
All 3 accounts got banned - one was a 20 year account. All accounts had already done lots of hand done toa before using this bot.
Used it for a 200 invo trial run (Got bad gear cause iron) and it ran flawlessly.

I had to enable "butterfly fix" when it was at akkha as it wouldn't attackbut that was easy to tick and click "Update" and it started maging the boss.

Overall, quiet happy and will likely use this some more. Thanks!
Overall, this bot is better than most. The bot doesnt handle using mage with Kephri over mele so it has a tendency to break if that happens, but overall its great!
On average a good bot, but for some reason for the last 4 hours it has just been dying at baba. Redx won't work and it keeps getting pushed by the boulders..
bot does so good then stands in every attack walking back and forth during last phase of warden. other than that the bot works great I do with it supported brews
Ran for 30 raids on my iron so far. After dialing the inventory its been great! Already got fang and masori chaps.
bot doesn't seem to be working with dragon defender I the parchment version from lms. it keeps looking for dragon defender even Thow i have the defender I in all combat slots necessary
Hi. I was just wondering how to set up which spells and runes you want to use in runepouch. I am looking forward to trying out the bot and even if it doesn't work in some areas I can take over. I use bots a lot for long grinds and I already did 600 corrupted gauntlet ones.
This bot works fine in some bosses (Zebak, Warden) but absolutely gets pummeled in Baba and Kephri. Disappointing, because I've spent so much time and money trying to make it work...
Bot does runs okay. I've gotten a few items which is awesome. And the bot is doing raids I couldn't dream of doing. But it's not perfect. I have a few things I've mentioned to the developer + a few other things I've noticed and so I'll give this a 4 star.

1) The bot takes lots of silly damage in the Het challenge room. I watched it mining the statue and just tank 2 black orbs which ruined the entire raid as I had no food for Akka.
2) If you get two specials on Zebak at the same time bot insta wipes.
3) If you kill the obelisk are orbs are coming to you at warden, the bot fails to tick eat and dies.
4)The bot isn't smart enough to avoid the egg explosions on the ground.
10/10 I am sure that everyone who has problems has a problem either with bad internet, lag or in their own setup. I have died 2 times in 60 runs. 1x Warden 1p if tick eating doesn't work due to lag and Wardel 4p if food runs out. You still have to look at your cmb level and equipment, you can't want lvl 530 run whit low budget gear.
hey id like a refund for today for some reason it started using prayers in skilling rooms and melee pray when ranging zebac so it runs out of range and dies all the time - not sure what happened here but i tried it so much even manually
didnt have any issues until earlier also ran into some issues a few days ago
but overall its an amazing script
you used the bot right after today's game update. make sure you check up on the status of runemate on those days, and restart runelite and runemate before botting

you can request a refund here: https://www.runemate.com/store/sessions

do feel free to revise your review
Honestly great bot... needs work on baba i seem to die a lot when fighting him other than that it dose just fine
Have completed over 50 expert runs with this bot works great, unlocked a few cosmetics with it. Would like to have a few things possibly be addressed as I'm not sure it's an issue on my end or simply a bug.
1. Baba puzzle room, my weapon pick baboon thralls is bp but it will randomly throw on sun keris to bash them with for final wave.
2. BaBa fight, during the boulders if the damaged boulders are too far apart between set 1 and 2 it sometimes fails to make it to the top to skip set 3 and will endless try to run into set 3 and get pushed back until it dies. (Only have seen this happen 3-4 times out of the 50)
3. Another low occurrence, mainly seems to be bad overlap of mechanics but on Zebak if roar mechanic and bloods spawns together bot will die. Not sure if it's possible to avoid. Bot will prio clearing a spot and getting into a position for roar and bloods will eventually end up under feet and kill.
1. it will use the sun keris for free healing, nothing wrong with that
2. that is unfortunate, are you using a crossbow for boulders? never seen it happen with bowfa/blowpipe
3. this one is quite hard to avoid
currently 1 star will delete when it's updated. phase 1 wardons never eats after taking the bombs and in transition to p2 just stands where it was where you were attack the pillar. guess what happens next...you die. thank god for trials