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Close to 400 KC.

This is probably the best DT2 script compared to the other 4 bosses. It will take some random damage here and there but not an issue.

Just make sure you don't 1T prayer.

Would be nice if we can only make it fire a successful special once per kill rather than just spec dumping.
very good.

But I think is big chance to get banned used this bot ?? can kill 100 without taking damged ?
Another excellent bot from wait. I didn't have any issues with this bot and it sent perfectly. Thanks!
Stuck in a teleport loop and shadow check loop. Not really sure what needs to be done for this but would like an update or maybe guidance. Your other scripts work just fine.
5/5. Zero issues, perfect whisperer right away, takes 0 damage. People must be seriously cognitively challenged if they can't setup this bot properly.
Works fine, some reviewers prob didn't fully read before setting it up. Does take occasional avoidable damage, but honestly I don't mind. I make mistakes too...
hardly gets past the first phase. keeps getting hit by the tentacles and didn't even attempt to freeze
doesn't work at all. Keeps getting stuck in a teleport loop. teleports to lassar teles back to poh then back to bank and repeats the process. Not entirely sure why this is the case.
I'm rating 5 stars because it performs perfect wisp CA and awakened, u can basically stay in room forever. I did run into some pathing issues where the bot would crash running back. I don't see this as a great issue because u can stay in the room basically until u get siren tablet.
the bot does everything you need it to, but I've watched it leave drops on the floor and tp out for no reason. I think this needs to be changed.
Would like to see Dark Memories CA option
I would give this bot a 5/5 stars... only issue ; I'ved used it for 3hrs on the first day and 1h30 ish at night. wake up this morning to reuse it again for a few a hours and yep you've guessed it.. Banned!
It used to work fine with perfect kills, now it continue dying. Probably I get 3 kills then die, 3 kills and die. Im full maxed outfit, configuration is correct, This happened after this past week update, can you check out the script pls?
You need to provide details of the issues that you are seeing.
Dont listen to the review below mine. if u set it up correctly, (WITH A CHARGED STAFF) it works fine!
I wish i could rate this 0. Bot used to get to orb phase and die. Now it just runs immediately into the bosses melee range and dies. Bot author refuses to communicate.
I discuss this bot frequently with my users on Discord, and none of them have reported this issue before. Not sure where this review is coming from.
Works great! Struggles with the orbs occasionally but gets the kills either way. Great bot not sure why others are struggling with it.
Used for the quest kill, worked nicely
Walk into the boss room, bot keeps walking to the tentacles trying to leave. Runemate shows it waiting for settings, have tried to play around with the settings/ stop and restart it and it keeps doing it.
superb bot for anyone who doesn't want to do or learn these dt2 bosses. a1 writing.
runs good most of the time, just had a few instances over the last few days where its stuck at the bank doing nothing but "opening bank" or goes in mellee distance of the whisperer and dies....... otherwise good bot owes me about $1.50 in having to restart the bot being charged each time....... might try other ones if i cant get that refunded to be honest