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Succulent MTA BETA updated to v0.1.6.

Just a bugfix today. The new UI updated caused an issue and it wasn't loading at all. It should hopefully be fixed now! Bigger updates are coming though
Succulent MTA BETA updated to v0.1.5.

Stats UI & Performance improvements
  • New UI screen displaying session stats;
    • Time running
    • Current room
    • Current action
    • Points earned in each room
    • Break time countdown (soonTM)
  • Graveyard room will now prioritise eating when at low health and generally do it more
  • Graveyard room will no longer get too many bones if you don't have the inventory space for them when using peaches
  • Fixed various pathing issues such as getting stuck in Enchanting room
  • Fixed bot trying to hop to high risk world and interface causing it to get stuck. If it does get stuck in interfaces accidentally now, it will close them and try again.
  • Improve performance of dragonstone hopping enchanting and looting
  • Added some extra checks to ensure we are fully logged in before checking for required items etc. to avoid bot stopping early.
Enjoy! I'm working on some bigger and better features for full release. Stay tuned and tell me what you think!
Succulent MTA BETA updated to v0.1.3.

More Beta feedback fixes
  • Fix creature graveyard not recognising karambwan as food to eat
  • Modify eating sequence to spam click less and wait properly for the eat-delay to end
  • Various potential errors handled
Succulent MTA BETA updated to v0.1.0.

Beta feedback bugfixes
  • Corrected item requirements for creature graveyard room.
  • Fixed world hopping loop with dragonstone method.
  • Fixed spell deactivation loop.
  • Modified some zoom, distance, and visibility entity checks to prevent getting stuck not being able to see guardian/cupboard, etc.
  • Reduce orb dropping speed for enchanting chamber.
  • Modified some interactions and delays to improve performance.
  • Lots of null-checks to prevent any errors.