Flawlessly completed the VW on the Ironman (0 issues not picking items up or whatnot)
Stats are based 90s with Hard Wilderness Diaries done (Get the Hard diary done or you will be crying every morning)
I did get spooned on Spindel (5 KC) so I didn't really use any Staminas (which you will need), so the majority of these supplies were being used at Artio/Calvarion
Supplies used for about 2,500 COLLECTIVE KC (Artio, Spindel, and Calvarion)
- 300 Karambwans --> Bosses drop food supplies so I took 8 pieces per trip
- 30 Blighted Super restores --> 1 Tick prayer flicking + bosses drop these too
- Range/Super Attack and Def --> ~100 or so
- 50ish Rings of Dueling
- 5m for Ferox respawn
Loot total: Over 50m without the Voidwaker pieces along with herbs, seeds, and secondaries
Ran around 15+ hours per day (with breaks) and sometimes overnight, so this grind maybe took a week and a half.
Hopefully this information helps some of you Ironmen out there. Give this bot a shot, and you will NOT be disappointed (unless you don't do hard diaries lmao)
EDIT: Ignore the above, I have just found that there is actually an issue with looting at Calvarion at the moment. A fix has been pushed, i'm just waiting on approval now