Hey guys,
I have been using this bot from lvl 60 - currently lvl 82. Works perfectly no ban whatsoever. Would be nice to see some more course added. Ill keep u guys update to lvl 99
Used this bot for majority of Varrock and Canfis levels, but recently it has been getting stuck at Seerers' village, specifically at the first obstacle (i assume), I always end up going afk in the bank. I am sure this is a minor bug and will be taken care of shortly!
keeps crashing on seers its like trying to keep an old shitty car running cause you gotta keep on restarting the bot over and over and its a different result everytime like some times its good for 20min then it stops most times it stops at 10 or 15 seconds fiiixx thhiiss pleeaase andd thank yyoou!!
i like the bot been using it today and got some lvls out of it. but it doesnt seems to use the seers village teleport even tho i got it configured to that teleport in my spellbook so that needs some fixing but in overall its a realy nice bot. i also know the seers village is in beta atm but its suspicious wen some one not using the seers village teleport wen they can dont you think :D
it is a very decent bot don't get me wrong.. The only problem i have encountered is the fact the bot won't go to the bank at all, it will just flick through all actions its meant to do while trying to goto the bank then cancels... if you run it without modifying the bot actions then it runs smoothly