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Gets stuck at top of stairs in lumby coming back from withdrawing from bank.
una maravilla
its getting stuck very often at the top of the stairs on the way back to bank strings
This is a great bot. I rated it 4/5 because its missing some features.
1. Add breaks. I would like to run this for hours, but definatly not if you dont have a break system.
2. The whole camera movement/angles and where it clicks the bank is very repetitive. Maybe, make the script longer and have more movement to more human like.
All in all, the bot has been running fine. My first hour of using it was great.
Amount: 1260
Amout hr: 1265
Profit: 167580
Profit hr: 168269
I will never add breaks as i don't like them at all. And camera movements are unique for each user because of runemate API so no need to change it. Glad you enjoy the bot so far, check out my other bots also ;)
Works great everytime
Efficient and very profitable. This is a perfect bot, thank you so much for making it.
The bot in my experience is useless. All it is doing when activated is opening & closing my bank.. nothing else
I very much enjoy using this when it is working it is flawless however recently I have encountered a problem in which after crafting an inventory of bowstrings the bot will run up to the 3rd floor where the bank is in lumbridge but instead of going to the bank to withdraw more flax it simply stands at the top of the stairs doing nothing :(
Prolly the best bot ive ever used. used it 11 hrs straight and made 1.6 million. Props man.
Wonderful bot, works perfectly! 5/5
it was working perfectly in Lumbridge before the last update and now it does everything correctly and quickly except for that it won't click on the make bowstrings icon when it appears so it requires babysitting if that could be fixed so that the script will click on make bowstrings again it would be perfect
Worked great pre-update (3/8/18)
is fast as hell and ive yet to be detected on it.
needs to be adjusted to the new spinning wheel selection in order to work correctly again. please fix
I think either a break handler or at least a timer to self-termination (ie stop at 10k flax or 5 hours) would earn this a 5 star from me. For those who want more than that, get a bot that's not "slim" or "lite."
Just boted for 15 hours... Perfect bot!
This is a pretty good bot. I've made almost 20k bowstrings before getting banned. Honestly, if it had a break manager this would be nearly perfect. It did get stuck once from a random event while pulling up the crafting screen. I would say it's safe as long as you don't run it for 12 hours straight haha.
Have spun almost 40k flax with this bot!
Bot is awesome, no doubt. Got stuck a few times around walls banking upstairs in Lumby, or with the door in the spin room. Ultimately, my account got banned after about 40k bowstrings. Was pretty generous when using it time wise, just beware.
Excellent bot I love it A+ - for low levels this will make you mills while you're slumped in your bed , at school or wherever, and even for high levels!
Works great and very fast
A very efficient bot.