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I would rather highter than 5/5 if I could. Amazing bot
Pretty smooth! I making addy bars and the tracking says 1466 bars per hour without stamina pots! Will be using a lot more :)
750 rune bars*
works great, just one thing you could add is that you can empty the coal sack by holding down shift and just clicking the bag. you could add that in maybe instead of having it right click the bag. just something small i noticed that could be changed. other than that it works extremely well compared to when i tried it a few months back!
Used it for 1hr making Gold Bars. Got 170kxp/hour without graceful set
I'm currently 20k rune bars till 99 and I have used the bot solely from level 30 to where i am now running 10-14 hrs a day everyday. Excellent bot/script and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to get 99 or even use it as a money maker.
Runs for 10 seconds everytime. Deposits gp, fills the coal bag and inventory and then stops running. Help?
If you send me the logg (in a private message) I can help you :)
Bot is running very very smooth. Makes all bars and supports every option
A little slow, makes about 1250 addy bars an hour.
Works Perfectly! Thanks for the bot! if you made a paid version I'de use it
One of the greatest bots I've ever used. It's really unfair that this is free. Sucks for other devs because there isn't another bot I've used for BF that's better.

Wish that there were a few more implementations added (buying more supplies, better use of water buckets, etc).
4 out of 5 because the bot is getting stuck right in front of the ramp damn there very time. it runs to the right side a bit and then corrects itself.. looks quite bot-like.
good bot but author never seems to read the discussion thread and doesn't responds to problems. bot can get stuck in a lot of ways.
This is an excellent bot. I got 84 smithing with it and a lot of profit. At first it had trouble clicking the conveyor belt since the camera angle was off, but maximizing the screen eliminated this issue.
I've been using this bot for over a month, works great. The only thing that would make this bot perfect would be the ability to buy or bank already purchased ore.
Been using this for around 5 days very often, and I have to say its great for a free bot. 10/10 would recommend.
The bot Always worked fine, but now it stops working right after clicking on 'start'. Would you be so kind so look into the issue? Thanks! Besides this the bot is fantastic
I've send you a private message to fix the problem :).
amazing as hell! only thing i would like to see is maybe a skill checker to make it more human like.
Update :
Bot works smooth, as long as I don't open up a second runescape client. Have done 15-80 smithing by now, running it for over 10 hours a days ( every now and then ) and won't get banned.
The bot takes a bit of time every now and then when taking out the ores, but that's not a big deal.
Still a 10/10, does what it has to do :)