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Works great
its good
Works great for smithing dart tips!
Works alright - I've only smelted steel in edgeville so far.

Biggest problem is that it at some point it decides it's out of ingredients for steel when it's not. This seems to be circumvented by adding the smelting steel task a bunch of times and it will eventually detect that it has the ingredients for the task.

I'll send the logs to the dev to see if they can fix. Shouldn't be paid until this is fixed, as it can error out within five minutes and still charge you.
unusable at current state, trying to make cannonballs in edgeville, crashed twice for unknown error. and when it finally did run it kept using the bar on the furnace over and over
Working fine on my end, post the bots log when it stops working so I can see what's going on on your end.
so far so good, making cannonballs in a nice tempo. have used this script the past 2 hours and not an single problem. the last script i used i needed to baby sit since it usaly stoped in the bank.
keep on the good work! <3