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Perfect without problems for anytime
If you have extra items in your inventory while powerleveling and dropping it drops all of your extra items
The bot got stuck on a deposit box interface for hours. My account stood there for approx. 3 hours, if this shit doesn't get me banned then I don't know what is.
got to 94 woodcutting before being perm banned
really simple and easy to use bot other than the ban it was worth it
Worked for 300 logs, power chopping, not banking, then it just sat there for hours doing nothing. Fully expecting a ban from this one.

It may have had something to do with the breaking functionality, as I am pretty sure a break was supposed to happen around the time this behavior started. Below is the Log that was repeated several times a second for hours:

00:56:02 WARN com.hyperion.scripts.woodcutting.QuickChopper - Event handlers completed in 0ms
00:56:02 INFO com.hyperion.scripts.woodcutting.QuickChopper - Current Action -> IIiIiIiiiI (2) | Validated in 0ms, executed in 0ms.
00:56:02 INFO com.hyperion.scripts.woodcutting.QuickChopper - Current Action -> iiiiIIIiIi (2-0) | Validated in 0ms, executed in 0ms.
One of the better free bots on here for sure
works great
incredibly fast, very xp efficient
Crashes every 5-6 hours. Other than that, great bot.
Breaks, and runs well.
very fonctional , easy, work very well
Works great for power chopping. Even in custom spots. Highly recommend though like with every bot spending 3-5 hours doing this process yourself before botting to avoid bans, Haven't received one yet and this is amazing. Thanks for a great bot.
A couple days ran. no major issues. would recommend
4+ hours on two acc's no ban.
Cannot add a new location. Script keeps telling me that it cannot find a path between the bank coordinates and the destination coordinates. If possible, could add Falador as a spot for cutting, or Oak logs in Varock. Overall, worked well with other places.
Works really well, I've used it in multiple locations and they all work great. Occasional hiccups were it get's hung up on something, but usually just adjusting the settings slightly clears it up if it doesn't fix itself in a few seconds.
doesn't work at all, crashes every time I try to start it tried 5 diff locations still crashes
Working very well for powerchopping but having issues banking. Also would LOVE if it would bank after an inventory of redwoods, would make this the best wc bot available.