Bot is good. It would be nice to have the option to switch between auto clicking and afk modes though. Feel as though the auto click slows down xp and logs.
Bot is brilliant, the only issue that I'm having now is that it constantly clicks on the tree so the woodcutting time extends and therefor not gaining the usual amount of XP i was getting. Also, when cutting Redwood tree, on a full bag it seems to stop going to the bank to empty, the bot will stand there for ages unless i check on it to get it moving again
the bot will get you to the locations, but the bot does not click on trees on its own. big problem. defeats the purpose of having a bot. should be looked at.
I've been running about 7 hours per day. I world hop in Edgeville. Always felt safer that way. When it's bangin' and clangin', I can average 180 Yew logs per hour. I used this to level on Willows, been world hopping Yews since 75 Woodcutting. I'm currently 87 Wc. I have no complaints. I transfer 1.2K - 1.3K Yew logs to my Vault Alt account every night in case I do get banned. This is a solid bot. Thanks for this one.