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This bot is broken. Teleport away in the most crucial moments of a quest, making you start all over again. DONT USE IT!
5/5 because it does EXACTLY what you said it does & doesn't do. Countless quests done & some do require more babysitting then others, but this 1000% beats doing it yourself.
Works quite well however, if it requires this much babysitting it should allow the user some time to fix whatever issue it has. Has crashed multiple times wasting money for me because its thrown some error in a quest.
This bot is a game changer for Runemate and extremely useful for account building. Of course it requires babysitting, but still makes questing infinitely more mindless.
Worked well for some of the basic quests I had to do. It does require babysitting as it doesn't always perfectly interact with objects and NPCs. The best part of this bot is that you can look away for minutes at a time and focus on other things. I haven't tried it with combat or very involved quests yet, but its on my list.

Suggestion: It would be nice if the bot idles for too long or performs the same actions multiple times it pauses and alerts the user for human interaction. This is just a quality of life update so that you know when it gets stuck and needs help, and it doesn't get into a loop that may be obvious to detect.
Questing on autopilot! Just make sure you read in the instructions and guidance, as it is not fully-automated.
It is decent doesnt do everything perfect so you do have to watch it a bit & please come back with some updates it can be an amazing script!
bit skempiggy with no trial on offer, or mention of NO TRIAL. i basically started script and couldnt get it to work. ffs
Detailed review, read this before use.
1) No bans after 30+ consistent usage days (300+ hours)
2) Very little baby sitting, you must be watching screen yes.
3) Very affordable, Great scripts
1) No combat, no banking, doesnt work with traps etc on quests
2) You must have all the Teleports needed in invertory ready to go.
3)If you have to use bank, pause (DO NOT STOP) script.
4) Very rarely gets stuck but sometimes it'll go up and down the same staircase/ladder.

Notes: Overall, Highly recommended as I've used this script many times and its amazing. Use it, Have lots of stamina and teleports (Rings, ammys, etc) ready to go!
Currently not working. Doesn't interact with NPC's or items. Gets lost a lot. Will occasionally walk to target but needs a lot of baby sitting.
gets stuck on nearly every single step on SOTE... does some traversal okay but even gets stuck on dialog.
This Bot is really good bro !!
like the other guy already said just sit back or do some other things.
yeah somethimes it needs a little help but you have to put so less effort in it its just really the best qeust Bot availible at the moment..
Much Love bro
Decent bot but has to be babysat 24/7 if you leave it alone you will be stuck on a door.. or stuck on something else.. works for the most part but tbh 3 star is generous especially at 10p per hour.
This bot is amazing. You have to do some input but the bot really does most of the work for you. Completed Underground Pass-MEP2 easily.
Literally game changing, only places it struggles is where runelight quest helper is bugged. AMAZING qol update!!
Don't know what people are on about, its perfect, yes, it has some glitchy moments, sit back watch a movie, and let it do its thing, till it gets stuck and help it out, and done. 50 quest points off cape ! :) have no idea what quests i've done, just watching my tv series lol.
Better off questing by hand. Ran for 2 hours to give it a chance and every single quest got stuck multiple times. There is always a door it can't open, and ladder it can't climb or an object it can't pick up. Sometimes the walker just gets stuck going back and forth on the same 5 tiles. It requires you to babysit very closely at which point you may as well play yourself. Even assuming it worked the price is too high and other clients have far superior bots that piggyback RL's questhelper.
Bloody excellent! I've only just started playing RS, and wanted to bot, so using RM has been fun, but this addon has been the best! I started doing low level 'optimal' quests, but read about the Waterfall quest and decided to have a go today - Completed!!! Don't assume that the addon will do everything, but gather the required items and let the bot do its bits and you do yours, and FANTASTIC!
My first time using it, I was having issues with it but if you have every item you need in your inventory and that it well work perfect almost and does them quick, def hope you continue working on this and making it almost fully auto
Bots does exactly what it says, Slowly. You basically need to manually do half the quests, which is fine but the bot charges you while paused. So overall makes the quests longer, more confusing and charges you for doing the things it cant.