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Prime NMZ updated to v4.0.0.
Prime NMZ updated to v3.11.1.

-Fixed special attack. Apologies for the delay, I've been working non-stop on the Prime Anniversary update!
Prime NMZ updated to v3.11.0.

-Fixed an issue which caused potion purchasing to fail.
Prime NMZ updated to v3.10.1.

-Fixed an issue which could cause the bot to withdraw too little money to repair Barrow's armor at Bob.
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Prime NMZ updated to v3.10.0.

-Fixed an issue which caused potion withdrawing and purchasing to fail.
Prime NMZ updated to v3.9.2.

-Fixed a bug where new bosses added would not display in the boss menus.
Prime NMZ updated to v3.9.1.

-Added Skeleton Hellhound
Prime NMZ updated to v3.9.0.

-Large improvements to the Prayer potion banking logic, including the decanting of Prayer potions.
-Fixed a bug where the bot would try to deposit coins into the coffer that were not multiples of 1000.
Prime NMZ updated to v3.8.3.

-The Lite version can now be run for up to 7 hours a week.
-Brought banking handlers in-line with new features in Prime API.
Prime NMZ updated to v3.8.2.

-Fixed a bug where the bot would be too hasty when checking if it needed to stop, leading to numerous failures with regards to Overload potions, etc.