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Started using this yesterday; bot works flawless. Thank you for this bot!
Amazing Bot, Great Anti Ban. Ran several accounts to 65 fishing in an evening. Will move on to Barbarian Fishing now.
No issues so far. Going on day 3 using it for 3-4 hours a day.
1-65 fishing in 1 evening. Great Bot, 0 Issues.
Does what it promises. Good anti-ban options.
Wasted an hour in Catherby just walking back and forth, paused and resumed, changed the bot settings and nothing changed. It was a waste of my time and money for that hour.
There are issues with ranges ? At piscatoris and barb.fishing spot the bot usually is bound to few fishing spots and ignores the rest open/available spots. Because of this is look very bot like.
This is purposeful behavior as typically players seem to stick to a few spots instead of moving across the whole area
So far so good. Only tried at 1 location so far. I'm on my 2nd day and brand new to botting... so easy to use. Great work, bot author. I got to 3.5M+ fishing xp manually and just continuing the hard playing while I return to life and get some actual work done. Basically the bot does what I do afk but... better. Not sure if it'll work for me long term in terms of ban... but I'm near the screen at times and still interacting with it at times. And I'm playing during the same hours that I would usually. I'm just no longer a slave to the idle timer.
Ir works decent for me (My current computer sucks so all bots works slow on runemate).
I've just started using it to blue jellyfish, and here is what's been bothering me:
1: Sometimes the bot gets stuck on a place (like it still wants to search for fish there) when my inventory is full. And if I manually click to walk towards the bank, it reacts by stopping and walking back to the same spot. When this happens it can cost me alot if I bot at night while doing nothing.
I've discovered that if I'm close to a bank or deposit-net, if I hold the mouse over it, the bot will often choose to click on it and then continue to start working as it shoukd. But only after I have "shown the bot" where on the screen it is. And if I cant see or reach for a place to bank, I need to pause the bot to be able to go, deposit, and start the bot again.

2: I don't know why it's like this since I've just started using "Prime Fishing", but while setting up the bot, all boxes of "Withdraw more from bank" is greyed out and not able to use. So I just keep all urns on my and as many juju-potions that I need in my inventory instead. And in that case, the bot works as it is intended, teleporting urns as soon as they are filled etc.

3: Sometimes it chooses to fish green jelly insted of blue jelly fish (but rarely), and from what I have seen it does not choose to fish electric blue jelly fish, why I don't know.

4. This has probably nothing to do with the bot, probably something on runemates side. But if I need to fix something during the setup (lets say I forgot to withdraw juju-pot from bank. I can't do that since runemate closes interface-menus.
This leads me to need to stop the bot before even having it started, and it still charges me for a full hour. Same thing if something goes wrong with the bot, charges me for an hour even if I haven't had it running even 5sec.

This night when I was using it during my sleep. It got "stuck", as I mentioned above in problem 1, and runemate just kept logging me in, while the bot didin't move. It was just standing there, until it got logged out, runemate logged back in, bot does nothing, repeat. Meanwhile nothing happens I get charged from my account for all the hours tonight I've used the bot when the bot hasn't really done a thing somethimes after I fell asleep.
This bot seems to work great when powerfishing for trout and salmon at Barbarian Village. When fishing sharks in Catherby or the fishing guild, it clicks each square one by one to get to the bank or from the bank to the fishing spot. I'm sure I'll get reported pretty quickly if I actually tried to use it. Hopefully a fix is coming soon as I've wasted close to 50c trying different things to get this to work correctly. All in all though it's a great bot of your just going to fast powerfishing xp.
ive used this bot for over a year. its excellent. Have one account thats at 27m+ exp right now botting 10-16hrs a day.
This is stupid just stole 24 cents from me stopping 3 times because I didn't have feathers on me, but they were in the bank, it can put stuff in the bank, but to stupid to take it back out. don't use it just gonna bank your feathers then stop and charge you for an hour
Works great!
Perfect bot! Been using it for barbarian fishing for 5 days now. Sessions of 10-12 hours each time and no ban at all. It's almost perfect!
2 things that might need a redo:
- Bot keeps dropping knife accidentally when gutting fish.
- When dropping caviar and Roe the bot doesnt use shift dropping but instead it selects them all individually.

Other than that a great bot. One of few i wouldn't mind running 12 hours on end without babysitting!
works good
No problems here really love the 1 drop and fish feature
good shit
Good Bot for now( just tested it on Edge for 30 mins) I would love to have you add a cooking option for trouts/salmons, to safe a cooking step afterwards(Like full inventory raw->Cook them-> drop burned,redo and on full inventory bank) would be really nice. tyvm
Ok so Everything has improved, but I did notice I get bet,ter results fishing sharks in Cath rather than FG it seems to not want to use the other set of docks not directly in front of banking area. Maybe it's just an individual issue rather. The updates are more noticeable and the AI runs really smoother than before I have noticed when traveling fish to bank. Currently at Monkfish absolutely killing it. Amazing & Well done!
was working really well but for some reason it doesnt drop the fish as fast as it used to. I dont know if im doing something wrong or not. But excellent bot would be five stars if I was not having that issue.
everything is great but the minnows is a little slow the leaping fishing takes some of the minnows away and the bot wont move but other than that its great