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ran for around 7/8 hours and got possibly 1.5 hours worth of xp as hte bot seems to just stand away from the set co-ords doing nothing. Would be fine if babysitting to reset its position but unfortunately i wasnt babysitting it
Worked fine untill 2 days ago. Just came back to my pc second day in a row and I am in the login screen with: You were disconnected from the server. Bot runned for 10+ hrs and i only got 30k str xp. Please help or fix.
Worked like a charm earlier. This time I left my pc and when I came back it had not done anything for 11h and was stuck in the login screen. 14k xp in 11h. Would like a refund.
Seems to do what it states.
Not sure why it's scripted to spam click the crab when you're running the spot lock version.
Feel like the easiest way to not get banned is to simply just afk until agro runs out. Then reset.

Comes back and afks in the wrong spot out of agro range. Which is prob a good thing because a human would do that.
But as a human I've never spam clicked my afk mob for 10 minutes straight
so far soo good, works great on fossil crabs, grinding away the combat stats. no complaints here. Although if the 3 crabs on the other side could be added into the list for Afking would be cool too
When Using this bot I didnt use any Pots or Food. killing crabs isnt hard to tank. I did notice with ranged it seemed to get stuck a few times with the limit number of throwables before picking them up. i ended up not using this part of it and it worked well. Also bugged out once after a random NPC Lamp it didnt want to walk back to the correct square to attack crabs again.
Hit and Miss, but have had some good sessions from it. Can not work for no apparent reason, seems to auto set to certain locations even if you try to set elsewhere, sits idle a long time, occasionally
you should just raw dog it like the chap below this review honestly
IDK about the other lads. No issues last 5-6 hours of gameplay. I'm goin in raw. Just combat gear and thats it. No potions, no nuffin. Works like charm
Thanks muchwowgg!!!
doesnt use combat pots, doesnt hop when other bots or players are on the same spot. does nothing the description says except for killing the crabs
skill issue I'm afraid
Bot does not withdraw super combats or monkfish... wasted 4 hours while I was at work. All plugins off
Bot just crashes out every so often, then also caught a ban with this bot avoid using. Would advise going back to the drawing board on this one.
i went back to the drawing board but there was nothing to fix
Writing a new review to let you guys all know I have spent $7 to get 1-70 range. 10 cents an hour... thats 70 HOURS to get 70 range. 70 HOURS should be at least 2.5mil xp at a very low rate of 40k/hour. It realistically should be 50k+ per hour. I ran it for 10 HOURS TODAY and got about 30k xp. Waste of another dollar.
you can request a refund if you want
the bot works fine i think the rest of these reviews are to slow to turn off there plug ins an such great job on the scripting
I feel like I'm using a totally different bot than these other reviewers. Works perfectly almost every time. Much more easier to set up and run than the other 2 crab bots.
shit is ass, stupid ass client would get stuck on logging in and out for hours. If you're not paying attention this this client.. it's not good.
no u
This is a shit bot. I've used it probably 10 times and if you aren't babysitting it, it will glitch out and you'll be roaming around fossil island looking like a blatant bot. I've come back to this bot and it looked like i was going on a bird house run. It has no 'emergency stop after 0 xp gained for 5 minutes' like some other good bots do.
1. If someone crashes you, which is highly likely due to the 5 min aggro reset traversal path this bot has, it will just continue running into the forest.
2. I've come back to this bot standing inside the bank with 50k xp gained after an 8 hour session.
3. I recently tried a new spot to give it the benefit of the doubt. Babysat it, and when it came time to reset aggro, it just stood afk for 5 minutes and did not go back to the spot. Since the bot has no 'emergency stop' feature, I would have been standing here for 6 hours just burning money.

Imagine having to babysit a sandcrab bot. This bot needs serious tweaking.
1. antiban
2. antiban too
3. antiban
well i have to rate it based off my experience. it ran for 10hrs and got 5k xp. basically, it had to re-aggro once and got caught on the stool near the bank on fossil island and stood there the entire time.10hrs it ran. 5k xp.
going to the stool is built in anti ban
It works much better than any other crabber script within the Isle! The only issue I have is that the stats only track defense and strength, but won't let me track the stat goals for the attack skill. Any suggestion on this?
Completely bugged. Tried it in Fossile Island Middle and it spam clicks a crab, then runs out of range and keeps clicking on water forever, does not come back to the dedicated spot. Wasted credits on it.
you are bugged
honestly has bugged out very rarely . I enjoy it
Thank you, Apple head!!