Kills Phosani's Nightmare for a chance at some massive rewards!
- This bot requires a Drakan's medallion for traversal
- A spare Drakan's medallion is required for death walk, so make sure you have one in the bank
- All of the equipment loadouts in the settings are required - use the wiki or join the Discord to optimize your loadouts
- Preferably start the bot near a bank, with your stats fully restored
- Capable of completing every single combat achievement
- Intelligent movement system to deal the most and take the least damage
- Keeps track of all dangerous positions (shadows, spores, nightmare's grasp, nightmare's charge, blossoms)
- Blazing fast pathing to avoid and/or pass dangerous positions and reach the target
- Optionally switches to blood fury below a customizable health threshold for efficient healing
- Can kill sleepwalkers during the final phase of the fight, sacrificing some kill time for less (or no) damage taken
- Can use the blowpipe special attack on sleepwalkers below a customizable health threshold to heal up
- Minimizes ring switches when using a lightbearer for totems for maximum special attack energy regeneration
- Perfect protection prayers against the nightmare
- Perfect protection prayers against husks
- Perfect offensive prayers
- Intelligent eating behavior
- Autocasts regular and arceuus combat spells
- Support for all applicable equipment
- Recharges your powered staff
- Can summon thralls for that extra damage boost
- Can use death charge for extra special attack energy
- Utilizes your rune pouch - or not, if you don't have or need one
- Traversal using Drakan's medallion - unlocks and uses the Slepe teleport when available
- Uses food dropped by the nightmare to extend the trip
- Restores your stats at your POH or at the bank using consumables
- Death handling - recovers your items and continues
- Break and stop handling
- Automatically saves your settings for the next sessions thanks to DefaultUI
Need more help? Join the RuneMate discord for the quickest support.