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lol not sure how this could possibly work for the guy below but it entered, missed every prayer flick and died within 5 seconds. had no strategy at all. just ran right in to be attacked by all three at once. what a joke.
Bot is working fantastic, I think a lot of these others reviews are from people who can't even put enough effort in setting the bot up correctly.
SCAM SCAM SCAM this will insta log you and charge you for the luxury of it failing immediately what a freaking joke
very good and stabel bot! it doesnt pick up the petrock after it dropped it but otherwise it gets to dks without a problem,finds a free world and goes in and does it job perfectly! 5/5 easy :)
I don't know why people complain. just set-up the bot propperly.
Bring something like blood barrage/sang/sgs, did 185 kc slay task without banking.
Genius, ty.
about the only thing i have an issue with is the pathing, itll drop the rock for the door then just stand there wont advance
It will get stuck going to the kings at times, mostly around rune thrown axe door. Goes downstairs to kings and starts off with ranger but cant pray flick correctly, teleports out after using full inv of food before even getting a kill. Set it up 4x and never completed one kill. Has potential if the overheads were correct so you wouldn't get damaged 40's every other hit. No replies from author for support or to refund lost credits.
Used to try and run it with pray flicking only, but didn't really work. Full auto mode works perfectly for me, so no complaints at all
Bot works perfectly. Any of these fools that rate it a 1-star clearly too dum-dum to deserve such perfection. Have run this bot for ~50+ hours with no issues. Keep up the solid work Neck
Absolute trash, script dev isn't active, you DM him no replies. It's very buggy. Wasted 1-2 hours playing around with it!
really bad written dont use it
Very buggy bot.. cant traverse lair, tanks king hits like no tomorrow, breaks down alot, on the ODD chance it makes it to the lair and gets them in sync, it runs well until it needs to restock
really bad written bod cant pray
Travels and does the kills decently okay. One of the major downside is the looting and alching capabilities. If only the looting and alching interface is fixed. It would be the perfect DK bot. Do babysit the bot if u dont want to alch your rings as it alch my berserker ring, or have it fill up your inven full of trash loot like heads, talismans, seercrulls.

But i believe this issue is common throughout all of neck's bots. The looting, alching, traversal and banking issues are prominent in all of the bots he has. Meh i think the author is on hiatus or prob burnt out from trying to fix all of his bot's issues.
Awful bot.. Takes lots of damage on the way to DKS, doesn't bring enough food. And once you get to DKS, the bot positions itself between the DKS and unsuccesfully tries to tank their hits.
I died and the bot just stopped working.
Bot runs good, handles the boss fight and navigation to the kings very well. Issues are with looting, the never loot list and always loot list does not seem to work properly. Will constantly try to pick up items like ensouled heads, rune thrownaxes, grimy herbs etc. even when configured correctly.
Love this bot, especially on a slayer task.

Once setup correctly, the bot is fantastic and will fight them all at the same time and will transverse back and forth between trips (Which is rare), definitely recommend having Fremmy Diary 4 completed for noted bones.

Great bot, 1* reviewers are on Heroin.
Don't believe the 1 star reviews. Bot works great except for occasionally missing the first attack from when a king respawns.
Teleports out when I traverse it there. Dies every time with perfect layout even though I try to spoon-feed it the whole way through. Might be the worst bot I've ever tried in all honesty
It can't traverse to the DK-s, tried starting it in the DK lair and it got all the prayers wrong and died within 20 seconds. Useless waste of money, does not to a single thing advertised