Works great, only issue I have found is that it will teleport with the medallion twice, meaning it teles when youre already at the tele spot. Also, is there scope to get Reagent pouch support?
works fine, if the bot doesn't cast "bloom" the reason most likely is that you haven't equiped the silver sickle. Equip the silver sickle and the bot works as it's supposed to. Happy botting.
Gets the job done.
Could be a 5 star if it supported house pools, and didn't double teleport with the amulet whenever it regenerates prayer, seems kinda bot like that it double teleports every single time.
Collect fungus ok, but when it uses the medallion it often double teleports and people ask why. Very bot like and needs to be fixed asap. Happy to increase to a 5-star if this is fixed
How I got this script to flawlessly farm me 3k fungus on my ironman: Equip full graceful and the Drakan medallion. Make sure you have the flail and ardy cloak in bank. Teleport to ver sinhaza via the medallion. Start the bot. It should run to the bank and grab the cloak + flail. At this point it should run flawlessly. If you have any issues restart the script and follow the steps again. Thank you for the script Mate!