Bot puts in works, efficiently grabbing books from shelves and turning them in. Excellent XP for fresh irons. No GP or runes needed. Also good for RC xp.
Disgustingly good for a free bot. Getting those early Mage and RC levels on an iron with this is insanely good.
Few things could be done to make it a little more tick perfect as mentioned via Party - but overall an awesome little bot.
Almost at the 5* mark, just a couple of minor inefficiencies to fix, such as opening books whilst on the move and slow interaction due to blocking camera movement. Recommend zooming the camera out and potentially look at implementing mouse camera usage - feel free to yoink the implementation from the pathfinder API.
Easily one of the BEST magic scripts out there right now. Perfect for Iron Men if you need easy XP without having to use runes or GP. 120k xp an hour :)
Finished the very quick quest The Depths of Despair as warned by author. Ran without issues for 2.5 hours going from magic level 62 to 67 including the short and long breaks
Incredible bot. Average 105k magic XP P/H at 84 Magic. So simple to use and great for ironmen to save on them runes. Highly recommend! Staminas being added would be nice just to bolster that XP a tad but otherwise flawless! thank you :)
Amazing bot, as long as you follow the steps provided by half completing the depths of despair you should be golden. I've had absolutely no issues with this bot and it has been a god send for early mage and rc exp!
It's a very good bot. It's the first submission and have been spending time debugging the issues and the author has been super responsive and fixing them very quickly. Very promising moving forward, given a couple of tweaks.