The bank is not working for me; it's only dropping the ore. I tried both the Varrock mines and the South Dwarven South (choosing the nearest and exact banks)
it's a saturday so no even close to after an update day and the only thing this does right is mine the ore and drop if you want. i cant compute trying to go to a bank, or bank, or know when it's at least deposited everything in a bank.. :/
First impression it didn't work for me, perhaps runemate not updated, and i gave a poor review. Gave it another try and now this bot is working great. even the custom location and nearest bank settings work as they should.
Works alright, really delayed for travel from varrock west to the bank, also sometimes delays on realizing inventory is full during mining and comes to a standstill. Overall works like every "Mate" bot
it works fine. ill say though the movement is pretty weird. i wouldnt trust it in a busy world. it as far as it can see then stops for anywhere from 5-45 seconds before moving again. i go to empty places and i watch it so if people come i change world. it does a really good job well mining its just when going to bank its slow. in falador it takes about about 5 minutes to go from the cave the the bank and back. for a free bot it works and its fairly safe i left it run for 12 hours and everything was fine
Works great!
Been using it on and off while mixing in some natural inputs so no problems so far got me to mining 41 with no ban. The pause\stop feature works great too
I'm banking the ore for now, and it's rather slow at clicking to move. Also the pathing it takes is a bit too predictable not sure if that could be an issue later on.
Worked fine, Slow clicker. Only problem is that its too chaotic when you set a region and if you set custom coordinates with a box range. You'll be banned for macroing. Doesn't have enough off clicks to fool Jagex anti hack.
It is a pretty solid bot.. only issue i have is the custom setting in the mining guild area.. doesn't go into centre of the 'C' formation when mining iron rocks.. I am banking the ore. i know if i powermined it would just sit in that spot and mine and drop for me :).. maybe an easy fix? i did also set the main co ordinate to go there but it doesnt