Magic mike is killing it! Great bot easy to use, thank you for all your work. Over 20k planks + bunch of glass thankful for all the help that this program has been. PSA to those saying "hur dur bot got me banned". No shit you are breaking the rules, you run that chance when you bot. Stupid to blame it on someone else when its not in their control. -.-
My only request for improving would be for the humidfying saplings, having the option to select multiple seeds. GE limit on seeds is 200 so you really only need bot for 5 mins, so would be cool to automatically select a bunch.
Works nicely, but just be careful as I got a temp ban after tanning dragonhide over a couple of short sessions the other day. Probably best to not be like me and dont do it at the GE bank!
Great bot, now if you were to add "Take care of kitten" feature like when the pop up to interact with you kitten comes up it will "Grab raw food" or "pet" or both that would be a PLUS++
excellent bot! since the new release of the Bryophyta staff do you think we will be seeing an update to include that for high alching as its become pretty essential to use and i noticed it doesn't recharge staff :(
Degrime is cast at 400 casts per hour when this is a rather AFKable/low effort activity with a normal speed of 600. Unless the wiki is lying about degrime cast rates? It just seems to wait out the entire animation and then slowly begins the banking process.
Amazing bot, been using it for a long ass time. For both plank make, glassmake, grime spell and sinister/demonic offering.
All of them worked insanely well. Most likely using it to 99 soon
sad was getting ready to use this on my 3rd acc to get 99 mage for the 3rd time but just now seeing mike wants 5c per hour.. sigh.. glad i used it while it was free