used to work great, now just broken. It will teleport 8 times to PvP arena using the dueling ring until it runs out of charges, then says no dueling ring equiped and shuts down. Will fix rating once it gets fixed, if it does.
This guy doesn’t get credited enough. Everything he has works perfectly, and offers the best price. This lava script utilizes everything u have available intelligently, will even pull out bigger rune pouches once u get the level to use them and keep going. maneuvers the cam angle like human, recharges ring etc. works even if u set it up wrong ffs
Great bot. Very little xp but that ain't Big Mike's fault (fuck RC). My only complaint is that the bot will move slightly out of the way when trying to reach the lava altar from Emir's looking a bit bot like... not sure if that can be fixed! Thanks
can leave this alone for hours on end (with breaks of course). 5/5 as always. guy below banned after 2 days probably not breaking for a whole 7 hour, got to treat the bot asif it was you playing, would you lava rune for 7 hour? no lol. been running it 5-8 hours a day, making sure it breaks every hour for 15/20 minutes, not effecient but its safe so i dont care.
There's two big dogs that just have great scripts for a bit of everything, Cuppa, and Mike. Getting an easy 80k xp an hour with this. Wanted a faster xp method than GOTR, this was definitely it. I don't think I've ever tried any of Mike's scripts and had to babysit them. Just leave for 10 hours and come back with profit/progress, which is awesome. 5/5
Does exactly what it says it does. Easily achieving rates of upwards of 80k xp/hr. I could not be anymore satisfying with this masterclass of a script.
I've used this for a while and it's fantastic, however last couple of days it won't start. Just stands at bank and does nothing. I've tried running it around 4-5 times...
Fantastic! I did 95-99 RC on it and got the pet right before 99.
Some improvements, like not having the bot instantly log after an error, maybe a 5 minute delay, would be very nice to let me rectify the issue so it can keep going, and removing the small delay after each teleport would be perfect.
unbelievable. 65-99 rc in 13 days. left bot running 10-17 hours a day no breaks. flawless bot. sadly didn't get pet.. since this is only 6cents to run ( super cheap ) i may use it in the future to pet farm. one of the best scripts ive ever used..
averaged about 70-72k xp per hour with pure ess, crafting cape tele