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can leave this alone for hours on end (with breaks of course). 5/5 as always. guy below banned after 2 days probably not breaking for a whole 7 hour, got to treat the bot asif it was you playing, would you lava rune for 7 hour? no lol. been running it 5-8 hours a day, making sure it breaks every hour for 15/20 minutes, not effecient but its safe so i dont care.
Yeah def the best xp before i thought 28 was normal lol now im getting like 65 lol
Another amazing bot from Mike!
Got 99 rcing! Depending on how well my connection was I was ranging anywhere from 80k exp/hr to 91k exp per hour! Fantastic bot! Thanks Mike.
There's two big dogs that just have great scripts for a bit of everything, Cuppa, and Mike. Getting an easy 80k xp an hour with this. Wanted a faster xp method than GOTR, this was definitely it. I don't think I've ever tried any of Mike's scripts and had to babysit them. Just leave for 10 hours and come back with profit/progress, which is awesome. 5/5
Does exactly what it says it does. Easily achieving rates of upwards of 80k xp/hr. I could not be anymore satisfying with this masterclass of a script.
Works really well for me.
-Add stop before next hour option
-Add stop at level option
very good script writing. clean bot.
Works Great. About 87k xp / hr doing lavas with ring of elements, colossal pouch and crafting cape
Oh look, another flawless bot by Michael555, SURPRISE MOTHERF*****
I've used this for a while and it's fantastic, however last couple of days it won't start. Just stands at bank and does nothing. I've tried running it around 4-5 times...
amazing script got 91-99 in less than a week. you can expect around 85k/h with elemental ring / crafting cape teleport and rc set.
Fantastic! I did 95-99 RC on it and got the pet right before 99.
Some improvements, like not having the bot instantly log after an error, maybe a 5 minute delay, would be very nice to let me rectify the issue so it can keep going, and removing the small delay after each teleport would be perfect.
unbelievable. 65-99 rc in 13 days. left bot running 10-17 hours a day no breaks. flawless bot. sadly didn't get pet.. since this is only 6cents to run ( super cheap ) i may use it in the future to pet farm. one of the best scripts ive ever used..

averaged about 70-72k xp per hour with pure ess, crafting cape tele
I have a bot for pet farming, the meta is mind runes ;)
Phenomenal bot. Works amazing and as intended. Thank you mike!
Flawless script. Started at 85 and am currently at 90 with no breaks. Getting about 85-90k xp n hour. Thanks Mike!
getting 84.5k now with abyssal pouch :)
Bot works as intended. Flawlessly
awesome bot.. so glad i found a reliable runecraft bot.. lava runes always been a hot spot for bans but this bots great.... however i improperly set it up once & was charged for an hour even though it stopped after running for literally 1 minute lol could i get that credit refunded? i have the logs
It's the best rc script that exists. Simply amazing. Always over 80k an hour with regular ess (over 120k daeyalt). The banking is unbelievably smooth. My only suggestion is to click the fire altar sooner, it usually waits until 2 tiles away from it to click enter, which is not really what a normal player would do.