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I'm still impressed how well this handles KQ. One oft he worst bosses in the game that I'll never do manually again. Mike never disappoints!
This bot has gotten me a dragon pic, chainmail, and a head in one slayer task. Author was quick to reply and added a feature when i mentioned something to them. Ill be back when im ready to go for pet!
add a comment to where it stops when the head is received from the boss, the rest is really good and setting the bot up is easy and fast aswel
Gears up and then gets stuck spamming the fairy ring. I walked it to the queen myself to see if it could kill it that way but even then it just keeps walking under the queen to flinch but wont actually ever attack the queen, just keeps dancing under her
Amazing bot. It definitely net kills. My only issue with it is that it TPs too quickly after a kill. Often times, I would watch it finish a kill and then TP away without collecting loot - even if I have full health and pray to tank a few hits.

Beyond the loot issue, definitely recommend.
my bad fing amazing even supported death piling!
It does a pretty good job of getting the kills. I have one thing i would love to see. You have the option to use a summer pie boost for the agility shortcut, but no option to use a regular agility potion. It would be awesome to see the agility potion added to that.
2 heads, a Dragon chain, and 2 dpicks all under 100kc. Incredible script. When set up correctly flinching works amazing.
So far not bad. The only issue I see is when it teleports out due to low health. It only eats 1 or no food in the bank to restore HP. Other than that, it works will continue to babysit it just in case. However, have a good feeling about it. food is the only thing that is sticking out.
The bot kills KQ as flawlessly as you can kill a 20 year old boss that has 100% accuracy and hits 30s. RNG manipulation could use work though, 150 kills in, no head.
Works amazing with the flinch method, its unbelievable really. This is really incredible work. Only thing I noticed was it didn't drink the regular super combat potion at fight start and any chance we can set how many pieces of food to withdraw that'd be stellar. Highly recommend this one
It's good, but inconsistent. Sometimes it does a kill perfectly, so impressive that it seems miraculous that a bot so polished could exist.

Sometimes, with an identical setup, you're lucky to get through a single kill without using up all of your food while flinching on both stages.

And sometimes it's so broken you're lucky if you get to stage two.
Hey, there was a small bug with the client trying to calculate npc hitboxes. Party released a fix, the bot should be tracking better now
5* script