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Worked just fine for me. It's Very simple script for a very simple(boring repetitive) activity, If you see any1 saying this bot sucks or that their cat died, then they probably sent it into "fight" behemoths instead of just settling for "Catch"

so a "HELL Yeah to you my man

I appreciate the the hell outta your automated stew service, thanks for sharing with us all good sir!"
Requires constant babysitting, no fail safe for saving your cat when out of credit or end of trial. Very poorly made and extremely dumb when pathing. I advise not using this
Will end without completing kill. Make sure ur not using trial and have credits. Trial is only 15mins, will end abruptly and kill ur puss.

Works otherwise
Should finish the hellrat behemoth before ending session. Cat was dead upon logging back in. Some type of failsafe would be nice.
I have to start a fight for it to start somewhat working, and it usually goes to bank before running out of food or inv space, it first used my rada's blessing not even running to the bank, i banked it, now it runs very slowly to edgeville bank
Works great.
Works when you have the hellcat in Evil Dave's basement. It withdraws specified food and amount. Cat catches the rats and bot picks up the spices.

Will increase from 3 to 5 when bug is fixed: tries to pick up spices even when inventory is full. Stays stuck in this mode. I'm sure it would bank if it recognized it the inventory was full.
I like the bot, however when I pick "Chase" it doesn't allow me to select spice(s), and also it doesn't loot any of the spices, it only kills the rats.
Like all of Aidden's bots, splendid. Got me that construction boost <3
Glad to hear. I was also using it specifically for construction haha