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Work fine but why we dont have Cooking Range spot ? D: I want this spot for cooking haha ! So great job on your script
Works flawless at catherby doing sharks. Appreciate the free hours during the holidays, cheers mate.
Withdraws food at Mor Ul Rek bank, but then doesn't move and is stuck in bot stop "Moving to Mor Ul Rek Sulphur Vent".
where is the start buttom ?!?! fdjlf jkfdj g kj øfklj

Works great and as intended, could be slightly faster and I wish there was an option to cook on fossil island
Faster how? What's slow about it? I have a 1 tick cooker if you want real speed ;)
Bot works like it should but has 1 issue I found. When using cooked sweetcorn on a tuna bowl to make a corn and tuna bowl, it clicks the corn and tuna bowl multiple times after it already selected make all. It's treating it like it needs to do a click for every bowl. Not a big deal, just takes some extra seconds.
Works perfect for me, both at Hosidius and Myth's guild
I've used this to cook while AFK, it's good for that, but if you're watching you can see it's a little slower than it can be, even if you stretch the screen so you can see the oven from bank interface it still just closes bank and runs after 2 secs, rather than just clicking oven from bank menu, I'm at Hosidius kitchen, I just wish you could set it to be tick perfect reaction. But I'm just nitpicking, this bot works great and does its job
bot cannot complete one inventory of sweetcorn bowl
Works as should.
only issue I've seen is the fact of the bot not recognizing the stairs in the Lumbrage Castle. Going up and down the stairs is a pain, definitely not a full AFK bot for Lumbrage Castle
RuneMate doesn't really support the lumbridge castle stairs, it's always had issues.
Recent bug, but fixed very quickly. Amazing bot <3
Worked pretty flawlessly. 99 Cooking using wines. Thank you!
Excellent bot. Used it to get to about 85 cooking before using the 1-tick script.
I did wines all the way too 99 in just two sittings. Worked flawlessly.
50-99 Without Issue.
good bot works perfectly so far only done hosidius
I used this bot for a total of 2-3 hours, once every three to four days. Not nearly enough to matter. Was permanently banned after the third day. XP rate was substantially lower than listed and the bot would seem to break after it would minimize the window it was using on its own.
Might be important to note this was while making wines in a large stack at G.E.

The bot functions well enough but is asking for a sure ban.
Hopefully this can be address and resolved for future people.
I don't list any expected xp rates... The xp rate within the bot is literally your gained xp divided by the time the bot has been running. If the numbers it showed were actually unrealistic then that indicates an issue, it's much less likely that it would say a reasonable rate and actually be wrong.
Got banned on a fresh IP while mixing up skills and doing quests. Even if you're safe you will get banned. This script used to work and got me 99 cooking on a previous account, and this script does do what it's intended to do, but the movement is basic and bot-like with wines. Would advise against making wines along with just using this script in general.
Should've listened to the majority of the reviews... Out of the bots I've been using. This is the only new one.. Used for no more than 4 hours at a time with breaking and only fish.. not wines... Still got me banned.. Fuckkkk XD