Bad in every way. Crazy slow, doesn't path right, hilarious "anti-ban" for people who think randomly clicking on stuff will somehow trick their bot banning system.
Wanted to get to 50 firemaking using this script because the chop/burn feature seemed promising. Immediately noped out when it ran exactly 26 tiles away from the teak tree to start the fires. Got charged double for like 5 minutes of run time as well.
Went from free to paid today, needs work before you should charge for it, and that sucks for people using it already. This can get you banned so be weary before paying for a service that comes with such high risk to cost ratio.
Everytime you use a bot it's bannable, you can never be sure you are 100% safe, if you could pm me the issues that you encounter, i'll be more then happy to take a look at it.
ive used the tree/oak/willow options and it works flawlessly. Only suggestion so far, could you add Draynor willows to the locations? I use the chop n burn option mostly.