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This script ate up a bunch of my credits, it doesn't work. Totally useless unless updated. My character would sit there at the bank until i teleported to the abyss manually, then it'd complete the run and use 2 glory charges per run. 0/10
Its good, but i have a slight problem, it does not fill colosal pouch fully. im 93 rc, i think it fills it up like its 84 rc or less.
Is there a way we can add the construction cape to use instead of tabs or teles? otherwise i really enjoy this bot
Will add this for next update, thanks :)
I like this bot and I think it has potential. Suggestions I have are let it use runes instead of only house tabs. I have 10's of thousands of house tele casts but 200 or so tablets. Iron so I can't just buy them. Last thing is support for Abyssal Bracelets. They have 5 charges, and prevent you from getting skulled.
Hi, will be adding this for next update. Thank you for the suggestion!

EDIT 10/24/2024:
Should be added now, uses law & dust runes.
Decent for Natures. I ran for a short period on the trail and noticed 2 issues. When using Ferox/Ring of Dueling method it always teleported twice with the ring, and it will often skip the refreshment pool. I had decent ping while testing. I also didn't see any option for stamina support.
Hi, just updated it so bugs might be present. Stamina support only works if glory is selected. I'll check out the double teleport issue though thank you for reporting.
Bot loses about 5-10 seconds clicking too fast between the restore pool & the bank chest. (Drinks, clicks it again & then clicks the bank chest immediately after. The 2nd click on the pool shouldn't even happen.) It happens every trip. Other than that this bot is great for the price.
So far no issues. Solid bot, solid author!
idk should really add the construction cape to traversal.. can restore, and go back to edge. its doing too much lol
Good bot with prompt response from author with issues. Would recommend.
It doesnt work. i start it with essence, pouches, pick, tabs in bank with those settings chose. it tries to path to the bank (ferox enclave chosen for bank and restoration) and it just runs to the North GE wall. then tries to run around it. then when its made it back to the GE guys again it'll runs back towards the Northern wall. it gets stuck in a loop. this one and the lite version. even if i start the lite version at the dang ferox enclave with the settings chosen it just crashes. i have 0 plugins on runelite enabled and its definitely not my pc. both of them are doing this same thing of "pathing to bank" but then ends up crashing whether its made it to the bank or not
Hi, I just got back from a long trip. Can you please send over the logs? I'm looking into the bot currently and it's running OK for me. Still stress testing it atm.
The bot performs well, but completely stops after getting PK'd rather than just getting right back to it. Ran for 7 minutes and get charged for the whole hour because it stopped after getting sent back to edgeville respawn. I'll "blame the dev" (that's what the bot says after it dies) for the bot not just resetting after death, not blaming the dev for lack of trying to escape PK'ers.
Anti PK feature will be added next update
Just wanted to mention this is still working and netted me over 1m blood runes. Thanks very much to author.
if i could give 0 stars i would. it opens bank, then stops. i have house tabs, pouch, ess, everything it needs. tried starting in edgeville. tried starting in ferox. nothing works on this bot no matter the settings. wasted well over .30 trying and failing to get it to work. very unfortunate.
Hi, can you send me your log over so I can check what exactly was going wrong?
This man has worked hard and really listened to get this bot going. After a few DM]s with suggestions, he implemented and everything works perfect. Mad respect
After a few patches, let this run on my alt from 1-50 without any issues, worked perfectly fine. Thank you =)